Leanne Delphium

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Gridania-transparent.png Leanne Delphium
Leanne new.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Gridanian
Age 18
Guardian Deity Oschon, The Wanderer
Marital Status Single
Occupation Adventurer
  • Lea
  • Hat Lady
  • Gem of the Quicksand
  • Leanne of the Fancy Hat
  • Ms. Hat
  • C'kahn Delphium (Father)
  • C'thara Delphium (Mother)
  • Elliot Delphium (Brother)


Leanne Delphium (25th Sun 6th Umbral Moon) is a city born miqo'te whose birthplace is Gridania. An adventurous, ever free spirited girl, the seeker was one to go against the current of Gridania's peaceful culture, dreams and wishes of traveling burning deep into her heart. By the age of 17, the brave and courageous miqo'te said goodbye to her parents and the relative safety of her home to start the life of adventure she so much desired. By the tender age of 18, she became a very respectable adventurer, with a lot of experience and a lot of friends, friends that she will protect with teeth and nail from any dangers Hydaelyn might present.

"Ever walking am I. Traveling boots, eternal disposition, wind caressing my cheeks...for I am an adventurer." - Leanne Delphium


With striking golden eyes and happy, cheerful features, Leanne is slightly smaller than most people, difference that become most obvious to her when besides a roegadyn and/or an elezen. She takes everything in a practical way, including her appearance, with easy to breathe shirt and trousers. The most iconic item of her attire is her headwear, a fancy hat which she bought midst the road. It is one of the very identities of Leanne, so much that most people immediately identify her just by the sight of the object. Leanne is of alluring beauty, fact that she more often than not ignores as appearance is considered a secondary thing in her life.
Even though the seeker goes for the easy and practical, she actually places a lot of care in her hair, a paradox to her usual methods. Her facepaint, sometimes thought to be vanity, is actually a present of her mom, a charm of sorts from her days as a huntress to protect her child against the dangerous world Leanne wishes to explore.


Leanne is a very cheerful and enthusiastic girl, willing to help and hear anyone and everyone. She's quick to trust even those with more malicious intentions, trying to deal with problems peacefully when possible. Her love of travel and experiences in Eorzea made the seeker wise beyond her years, mind open to accept and sometimes partake in several different cultures and customs. Somewhat naive in certain departments, but more often than not sharp, she's easily able to detect lies, something she mostly attributes to her "sharp eyes".



As a children, her "mascot" status between some of the Quivers and Wailers gave her access to a variety of weapons as well as a bit of combat experience. Through this, her excellent marksmanship was shown to the world, being able to pull remarkable stunts with a bow. It didn't take long for Leanne to focus herself on that strength of hers, not only with a bow, but with any ranged weapon she managed to get her hands into, becoming a very skilled sharpshooter. If her aim fails though, she developed keen skills at dodging attacks besides having a basic knowledge of pugilism, sometimes bordering on advanced because of a few mimicked moves.
A skill more recently developed was her prowess with daggers. Maybe a bleed-off from her potential as a pugilism or perhaps the result of spotting too many dagger wielders, Leanne is not wholly experienced, yet can be fearsome with the weapon. She suffices any flaws by her aim and skill at throwing knives.


Leanne has almost no experience with aether, the closest thing to manipulation she has coming from the fact she is a Bard, manipulating the aether and people's emotions with her songs and being able to envelop her arrows with lacerating mini-whirlwinds.
Her bow apparently has magical unknown properties, most of them a mystery to Leanne herself.



Music, Poetry and Tales


Arrogant People




Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Sweets
Favorite Food: Apple Tart
Favorite Drink: Mead
Favorite Colors: White, Red


Leanne deeply loves her family, from her dutiful father, to her sweet and helping mother and of course, her mischievous and equally carefree little brother.

C'thara Delphium: Former huntress of the Coeurl Tribe, nowadays a sweet mother who tends for her children. Leanne's major source of counseling, several characteristics of the younger miqo'te can be found in her mom, not only in thought, but also in appearance. Even though Leanne's not as fierce as C'thara, the matriarch saw in her daughter a mirror of her younger days in Leanne's insatiable drive for adventure. Initially against having Leanne jumping into danger, eventually she yielded to her daughter and as of today, C'thara helps her daughter whenever she asks, filled with proud at each achievement she hears from the adventurer.
C'kahn Delphium: Former tia of the Coeurl Tribe, nowadays carpenter and leatherworker in Gridania. He was considered by everyone a weak man, yet his sense of duty, determination and utterly kind soul eventually managed to steal C'thara's heart, driving both him and his lover to find a new home in Gridania. C'kahn leaves Leanne's mentoring mostly to C'thara, but is not shy from helping his daughter whenever she needs. The more doting parent, he was the one who gave to Leanne her chocobo.
Elliot Delphium: Leanne's younger brother, a very mischievous and carefree kid, who sees Leanne as an icon to follow and idolize, bringing a bit of jealousy into C'kahn and amusement to C'thara. Currently practicing spear-fighting, he aims to reach Leanne and someday surpass her.
Kyrin: Leanne's loyal pup, also known as the Little Bandit. Fearless and always happy, he's a constant source of happiness and trouble for Leanne, his love for bones surpassing the common knowledge that you don't try stealing them from crypts and reanimated skeletons.



(Feel free to add rumours!)
  • "Nice, friendly, accepting. These are the words I'd use to describe the best hat-wearer I know." - Franz Renatus
  • "Leanne? She's a friend of mine! And so much fuuuun! She's also got the best hat in all Eorzea!" - Aya Foxheart
  • "That female is kind but is uncomfortable with the idea of cutting off limbs to give as tokens of affection. She is curious." - Atrium Crow
  • "Adventurous, but perhaps too impulsive. I pray she stops to think before getting herself into more trouble." - Coatleque Crofte
  • "Lady Leanne listens to her heart and it is quite beautiful. Is a rare gift to have." - Jancis Milburga
  • "Leanne's a bit headstrong, but it's a good thing she's got so many people around her to help take care of her, myself included." - Ha'uruh Nunh
  • "Leanne's beautiful enough, but she needs to decide what she wants from people. I just can't figure that woman out." - Evangeline Primrose
  • "Leanne is friend enough with the moogles that she convinced them to appear and perform at Thaliak's pilgrimage. It was truly a sight and sound to behold!" - Ojune Wajune
  • "I am grateful it were by Leanne's hand that my reign ended. To harm a young lass so full of life would've hurt even my iron heart." - Sounsyy Mirke
  • "Ah! Ms. Hat! She's... like a sister ta me, y'know? I know I gots one already, but she's like... 'nuther one. Anyroad, I'm glad she's all happy again 'n hope she stays that way forever 'n ever!" - Chachanji Gegenji
  • "Miss Leanne..now there's someone who has absolutely no shortage of life in her. Though I guess I met her when she bought me, a real...no she'd kill me if I said what I was about to say, she seemed determined to keep that side of her a secret. Almost sure of it, my lips are sealed." - Kurt Steel


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
Markus Krosse : Her bestie as she likes to say, Markus and Leanne met by pure coincidence after a drinking night in the Quicksand. Event after event made their bond deepen, to the point Leanne hardly imagines her life without her right-hand man there, either to support her, or for her to give support. Platonic life partners as she says, she trusts Markus deeply, and will drop absolutely everything for the sake of her most reliable comrade.
Ralena Tharin : Former bestie of hers, Ralena was one of the first friends Leanne made. So much was the fondness for what she considered one of her truest confidants, that her disappearance was such a blow to Leanne's psyque. She dearly misses her friend.
Chachanji Gegenji : A lalafell she met at the quicksand, Leanne instantly took a liking to him, not only for his antics, but for the fact that she sees in the lalafell a younger version of herself, of the days she started her adventures. Considering him a second sibling to nurture and protect, she's willing to protect him from anything that might bring him harm.
Ha'uruh Nunh : Friend of Leanne, she considers him a lot, his protective behavior bringing ease to her heart. Despite the fact she respects him a lot, her interactions with him tends to be mischievous in nature, never being over pulling a prank or two to see the poor man blushing...though she never forgets to say sorry afterwards!
Spahro Llorn : Bizarrely able to withstand Spahro's antics, she has a nice friendship with the eccentric keeper, finding her a dependable person, despite the opinions of several people. It is not uncommon though for Spahro to get in Leanne's nerves, who sometimes manages to get back at her.
Leih'a Relanah : Friend of hers and Markus, she has a knack for threatening him with bodily pain, for his tendency to mess up with a thing or another. Despite that though, she really likes him, and like with Markus, she's ready to help at any instance.
Aya Foxheart : A friend of the Quicksand, their cheerful disposition seems to marry perfectly. A conversation between them is more often than not accompanied with a big smile from both parties!
Shas Tarry : A sultansworn, Leanne see Shas as a mentor, the older woman bringing a lot of insight and wise words into Leanne's life. Though the highlander was unable to fully steer Leanne away from the grumpy path the seeker thrust herself into, it would be unwise to say Leanne don't consider her words deeply.
Coatleque Crofte : The sultansworn drew interest from Leanne at first sight, yet the air of nobility and order that came from the highlander strangely managed to intimidate Leanne, who is normally quick to chat with anyone. Nowadays, Leanne fearlessly goes to walk with Crofte, greeting the knight with her usual big smile.
Franz Renatus : A garlean Leanne met, it took a while for her to discover his homeland, yet such discovery didn't deter Leanne of continuing her friendship, instead giving her a lot of curiosity, not only about the man itself, but about Garlemald too. She likes to consider herself a close friend of his.
Verad Bellveil : Source of laughs and also frustration, the dubious salesman strikes her as an honest, yet eccentric man. Valiant certain times, more often than not cowardly, somewhat serious, yet irreverently goofy, Leanne personally loves his presence, even if said presence sometimes causes frustration to no end.
Edda Eglantine : Another friend of hers, the several times Leanne saved Edda from the dangers she got herself into thrust Leanne into being extra-protective of her well-being.
Jancis Milburga : Nowadays one of Leanne's bosses, Jancis was one of the few people that could disarm Leanne from her grumpy behavior, the sight of the caring and gentle hyur bringing forth Leanne's sweet side. Finding in her a kin about problems of the heart and trusting her beyond a shadow of doubt, Leanne timidly asked for the woman's guidance in case she ever finds himself thrilling into a dark path again.
Natalie Mcbeef : Late sultansworn, and Leanne's last opponent on her first victory in the Grindstone. Her once dear friend is now a bittersweet memory, reminding the girl of the duplicitous nature of one's soul.
Roysia Stone : Past lover of Leanne, the end of their relationship brought an awful amount of pain to Leanne, to the point she just wanted to forget everything. Recovered from the fallout though, Leanne still harbors a slight hint of affection towards Roysia.
Fio Arasgain : A man she considered cute and fun to talk with, his cross-dressing tendencies steal an amused smile from Leanne, in counterpart becoming embarrassed by his tendency to get more "touchy" than usual at times, either with requests of bed cuddling, or a single random peck at her lips that drove Leanne into a complete stuttering mess.
Koporo Aporo : A yet to be sultansworn Leanne chats with sometimes. She respects his determination, his idealism and chivalry, but thinks he should cool down sometimes.
Atrium Crow : An acquaintance Leanne met after the Crow incident. While she's fine with the woman, that doesn't change the fact that the seeker is wary of her, not because of her nature as an undead, but because of her lack of knowledge of how living beings work. Leanne deeply hopes that Atrium manages to fit in society, and is willing to help her do so.
Jameson Taeros : A man that Leanne deeply wishes to bring to justice, partly because of his wrongdoings, but mostly because of the wrongdoings towards her friends. Thinking of killing him at several moments, people reminds her every single time that she's not to be lost or have her soul tainted by the likes of people like him.
Evangeline Primrose : Firstly a friend, the woman who briefly considered Leanne as a love interest had a soft spot in the seeker's heart. Unfortunately, certain acts of Evangeline killed this softness Leanne had, and even more unfortunate, Leanne was under several turmoil, the dislike being amplified by a giant hate. Lately her hate is mostly gone, not only from lack of contact with the woman but also from Leanne reacquiring her positive outlook on life.
Arielia Ryella : Having met the woman midst a date with Eva, Leanne considered her a tad standoffish, and as such, avoided her whenever possibly. Midst Leanne's grump phase, she had a taste of the elezen's ego, which, combined with the eventual jealousy she harbored for her close friendship with Roysia, resulted into a giant, almost murderous hatred for her. Past her anger and dating times, the hate harbored significantly diminished, to the point she could consider being friendly, albeit distant.

Common Rumors

  • "She's been here a lot in the Quicksand, either chatting or just overhearing people's conversations."
  • "I heard she has a very enchanting voice...I'd like to hear her singing."
  • "She loves adventure. Perhaps a bit too much. Start talking about traveling and she will never stop."
  • "She was one of the few, or actually the only one to win the Grindstone with a bow! Impressive, huh?"
  • "I really never seen her take off her hat...weird..."

Moderate Rumors

  • "Apparently she was in very bad times a few moons ago. Seems like she recovered though."
  • "So she says she is taught by a moogle how to sing and play instruments. That sounds strange, but also really cute...!"
  • "How many times she takes aetheric travels? Does she ever get tired?"
  • "There's people who saw her working alongside a dubious duskwight to launch a shark into the sky. Insanity."
  • "I've been part of her little crew she takes whenever she goes fishing. The things she pulls out of the water are stuff of nightmares."

Rare Rumors

  • "Got information that the Crystal Braves and the Brass Blades are looking for the girl. What she did to get so much heat?"
  • "She ventured into the Crystal Tower alongside the Warrior of Light and more than 20 other adventurers. Have to wonder what she has experienced inside the structure."
  • "Once I saw the girl sneaking into the Carteneau Flats. I bet she wanted to know the place. Too bad she got heavily injured."
  • "Seems like she pursued psychological help at some point because of her problems. Poor thing..."

PC Rumors

NOTE: PC Rumors are handled in the Relationships section!



  • If you have any screenshots of Leanne that you like, please add them here!*