Flynt Reddard

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Garlemald Flag.jpg Flynt Reddard
"The Hyena"
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Garlean
Server Balmung
Place of Birth Ala Mhigo
Guardian N/A
Nameday 1/9 (Age: 27 )
Marital Status Single
Occupation Void Hunter fronting as an investor, socialite and debauchee.
 "I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ideal is high, I never give in.
Therefore, I never die with regrets."
  -Flynt Reddard

Flynt Reddard, the Hyena, is a troublemaker in it's simplest terms. A highly troubled individual, his previous endeavors landed him in hot water. To cope with the stress, Flynt mindlessly wanders the realm to cause all sorts of trouble. Certainly sociable, one could consider him both a scholar and a bumbling fool, Flynt is always a face you both want to see and punch.


Flynt Reddard (legally referred to as Flynt ban Reddard under Garlean annexation naming conventions), in a short statement, is a problem child. From a rather wealthy family, Flynt grew up spoiled; taught at a young age that money is power. Living by that standard, Flynt constantly seeks a means to be the center of attention, his ultimate goal being known throughout the realm. Vices get the better of him, succumbing to a compulsive need to take chances, throwing gil into gambling rings, chocobo races, and pit fights, and other assorted rabble-rousing antics. Nothing stops the man from getting off his high-horse to get his hands dirty provided he's goaded (often by his own naivete) into such situations. Rather mediocre at swordplay, self-taught; he's far from a skilled fighter, but rather dependent on cheap tricks.

From Ala Mhigo, he bore witness to the mass exodus of the Highlander clan at a young age, staying behind with his conforming father. Raised by Garlean laws and ideals, he was molded in their image, and therefore found sympathy among the tyranny. Drawing his love for their technology, he bears a soft spot for the Empire in his heart despite their antagonism toward the Eorzean states. Such sympathies made Flynt into a rather uncaring and passive person, strongly preferring to avoid the topic of his citizenship as much as possible knowing full well of the possible repercussions. Such Garlean predisposition also factors into Flynt's contempt toward non-hyur races as well as his torn-up psyche, a result of being subject to so many ideologies under such traumatic means. His reality is warped and he knows this, he simply tries to believe it's normal, healthy even.


Height: 5'8

Complexion: Corpse-like, porcelain skin.

Hair: Blond, brown undertones. Inconsistent.

Eyes: Ice blue, passable for white Voice: (Josh Keaton) [1] [2] [3] [4]

Clothing Style: Practical, lightweight, dainty but cleverly armored. Mobility in short bursts.

Laterality: Right-dominant


  • Color: Scarlet
  • Food: Granola. Fiber is good for you.
  • Drinks: Mint water
  • Scent: Goldbile, Napalm.
  • Place: Pharos Sirius, Costa Del Sol, The Burning Wall


All Flynt wants to do now is to live a decent life, make a living, and live a quiet life after the dust settles, entertaining himself and the masses.


Garlean law prohibited the practice of nonsecular teachings and practices in Ala Mhigo, therefore nonreligious.


True Neutral



  • Gambling Addict
  • Classist
  • Racist
  • Quick to draw arms
  • Mentally unstable: exhibits disassociating identities, arbitrary mood swings


  • Desolation
  • Devastation


  • Can play the piano
  • Charismatic, an alluring figure.
  • Convincing liar and manipulator.
  • Conversational in most spoken Eorzean dialects.
  • Has a sheltered love for making clothing, sewing in particular.


  • Equates to a real university-level education after the Garlean occupation of Ala Mhigo. Terribly censored throughout it's political views and biased in Garlean favor, an education is still an education, despite its imperfections.

Abilities and Skills


  • Hit-and-run mentality: Flynt is frail, competent, but frail. He in no sense has the physical capability to last in drawn-out combat, so he resorts to sabotage: poisons, ambushes, sucker-punches.
  • Adept Gunplay: After access to Ishgard, Flynt picked up a novelty revolver in the marketplace to serve as a last resort. After spending far too many hours shooting at small desert mammals, he's become rather quick on the draw, despite the gun's laughably poor quality.


  • A pair of broadswords purchased from an antique store. Restored to perfection, they're much more fit for premeditated combat, slathered in an arrangement of soporifics, anesthetics, hallucinogenic salves.


  • Blitz: Expel concentrated Aethereal lightning from a focus point.
  • Hide: Flynt can temporarily distort his innate aether to cloak himself into his surroundings, light refracts around him, not quite removing him from the picture, but making him appear mirage-like in motion.

Flynt's Logbook

Here you will find the journal Flynt keeps when he's out people-watching. Friends, acquaintances, enemies; Flynt records how he really feels about them.


  • Rising Claws (Second-in-command)

Music Box


NPC Rumors

These rumors are fairly common, and can be freely referenced in character interaction with Flynt.

  • "It's said that he gambled a man out of his Chocobo, won, then walked."
  • "The man has a fetish for that rusty revolver of his, it's troublesome to recall."
  • "Those dice he has, they're something else... one thousand sides?"
  • "The man's a ghost, you will never find a picture of him, any legal documents... even his bank-notes are signed with a pseudonym."

Player Rumors

  • "Rumor has it that he tried to kill a contestant in the Grindstone, by nearly decapitating the poor woman."
  • "I hear he bottles his farts and sells the bottled farts to the alchemist's guild for easy money. Has he no shame?" - Edda Vincents
  • "This man is like a rocket. A big one." - Lucaell Tareth'eian
  • "That man must be made of megitek or something. He sure-as-hell hits like it." - S'khai Nunh
  • "I've taken to calling him 'The Yahoo'. If you have ever met him, then you'll certainly know why." - Berrod Armstrong
  • "I owe him my life and he owes me his. My brother who ensures there's always chaos to the balance. I'd sooner kill you then let you touch him." - Akama Kharn
  • "Have I met Flynt Reddard? Look, I'm not saying I have or haven't, all I'm saying is a man matching his description asked me to 'pass gas' near a man with a fat cat and his friends." - Eorla Brynn
  • "In Gridania we don't hunt hyenas. We hunt jackals." - Gwannes Oskwell
  • "Live with somethin long enough yez forget what it was like without, or w'anything else." - Flameson Hammersmith
  • "It's not how much time you have, it's how you use it... unless you're Flynt. Then it goes back to being how much time you have." - Orenji Kharn
  • "You have to keep an open mind with Flynt. Some of the things he says and does may seem crass and other times, outright insane--but you have to think about why he's doing it, you know? Then he doesn't seem all that bad.~" - Jenivieve Ravendale
  • "The Major is an old rival of mine who's now my commanding officer....It's gonna be a fun ride..." - Nataru Rahz
  • "He's funneh. I love it when he comes out in a crowd n' goes wild, he's a hoot!" - Nazyl Tharazyl
  • "His own Boss pays -me- over two million to kill him. Heh, let him talk all he wants. For two million, I'll deal with his prattle as I kill him." - S'Kiear Grimsong
  • "The gambling bastard's dice are not rigged, but they certainly fall the way he desires more oft than naught." - Sigurd Sundsteigen
  • "Why does he call me Private Snowball?!" - Yasashii Borlaaq
  • "The boy's got Lady Luck wrapped around his finger. Bravo to the one who breaks it." - Amedee Delacroix
  • "Eeh, weak, frail, narcissistic, complete man child." - Atette Calort
  • "Narcissistic spoiled brat comes ta mind when I think 'o Flynt, but 'e's still a Claw an' someone I hold respect fer." - Nahare Mergrey
  • "The guy is an idiot and a fool, but he might only do that to fool others." -P'rita Kali

Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.


Name and Lifestyle


  • The Hyena: A name given to Flynt by those who bore witness to his brutality on the field, comparable to that of a hound's method of hunting prey.

Current Residence


Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Raised to be the heir of his father's corporate empire, Flynt was a spoiled child, put through rigorous schooling despite numerous shortcomings.

Teen Years

Received a formal education until the age of 24, learning that school is for weiners and winners break the bank. Upon graduation, Flynt booked a ship right on out of town.

After Dalamud's Fall


Flynt found his way to Thanalan after word of disaster depreciating the cost of travel to the south. After some time, Flynt established his own gambling ring around the seedier ends of Ul'Dah, reveling in the nitty-gritty lifestyle despite the posh standards.

A Realm Reborn (Present)

Now employed as a second-in-command to a band of sky pirates known as The Rising Claws, Flynt Reddard tends to take the back-seat in their affairs, opting out to manage his own posse in the outer walls of Ul'Dah.

