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:<font style="color:#000000;" size="3">■</font> Discrimination
:<font style="color:#000000;" size="3">■</font> Discrimination
:<font style="color:#000000;" size="3">■</font> Cowardice
:<font style="color:#000000;" size="3">■</font> Cowardice
:<font style="color:#000000;" size="3">■</font> Deceit
:<font style="color:#000000;" size="3">■</font> Doing things that lack a purpose
:<font style="color:#000000;" size="3">■</font> Doing things that lack a purpose
:<font style="color:#000000;" size="3">■</font> Having no plan
:<font style="color:#000000;" size="3">■</font> Having no plan

Revision as of 07:13, 4 May 2015

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Onuma Ahntifi
Onuma new profile.jpg
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 25
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Free-Paladin, Smithy
Guardian Halone, the Fury
Nameday 3rd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Alignment Chaotic Good
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Onuma is a miqo'te that lived on the outskirts of Gridania prior to the Calamity. She was one of a family of three that lived somewhere in the southern thickets of the Black Shroud, but since that time she is the only surviving member. Thinking she lost everything, she moved to the harsh desert region of Thanalan to try to start her life anew. When she arrived at Ul'dah, she had little but the clothing on her back, two throwing knives and a few mint currencies of gil on her person.

Nearly four cycles later, Onuma has now made a fairly earned name for herself in the city; from battle in the Coliseum to merchants and trade, where she is sometimes seen as a threat for her craftsmanship. Despite this reputation, she raised higher goals for herself and took up arms, defending the traveled trade routes leading in-and-out of Thanalan and Ul'dah herself. She became a familiar face to many a Brass Blade or Immortal Flame member, and gained recognition for her efforts.

She eventually moved on to other things, traveling everywhere to both learn and spread her capabilities. She makes daily use of those learned skills. It was only at an enlightening point in her life that she decided to engage her endeavors to be a free-reign paladin. Over the course of her time spent with her friends, Onuma had a long way to go before she began to understand what it meant to be one, and what kind of path was carved out for her.

Onuma has undergone significant changes and trials over the many passing moons. She's had her ups and downs, the mindset and the heart shaken, and through it all her willpower and strength tested. Haunted by a history that plagued her, Onuma sought out a path to right what the past wronged. As time goes on, Onuma has gained much experience from the battles she and the 81st Foreign Levy have fought, though there have been significant losses which has inevitably led to the feeling of victory being tarnished for the paladin.

Now, a new chapter begins in her life, this time without her beloved.


After a particularly traumatizing event, there have been some notable change in how Onuma appears. The one that stands out the most is her hair, which appears to have lost a large amount of pigmentation. White streaks course through the black, slipping even so far as to reach the fluffed tip of her tail; it has turned completely white. Despite this, she stands tall, determination set on her features. Her amber eyes possess a boldness in them that's only accentuated by the savage looking markings painted meticulously on her pale face. In idle moments, her small lips are drawn into a thin line. She hides what she may be feeling beneath a stony mask. These days if she isn't locked away in her workshop, she's most certainly seen in armor.


Onuma has come a long way from where she was. She is not as icy as she was before, and has warmed up to meeting others, dependent upon their initial impression on her. There are moments when she may seem distant or appears to be reflecting on a thought, but it doesn't happen as often as it used to, though sometimes it may be her trying to see a situation from all sides. Her ears and tail are the most visible indicator of how she may be feeling, however, as they become animated when she feels strongly about something.


 Uncrowded areas
 Pushing her limits
 Riel'a, her godchild.


Doing things that lack a purpose
Having no plan
Being told she's being difficult
No communication
Creepy old manors
Demons, Voidsent, etc.


Armor Melding
Fishing & Crab hunting
Skillful aim with throwing knives
Weapons Forging
Sucks at being a people-person
Is even worse at receiving and giving compliments


Favourite Food/Drink:Salmon, Warm Aldgoat Milk, Pineapple
Favourite Place:Her home in the Shroud
Favorite Weather:Rain
Favorite Season:Early spring
Favorite Color:Blue
Favorite Scents:Sizzling meat, rain water, earthen soil
Others may have seen or heard of Onuma if:
They were a participant in the Bloodsands. She caused a ruckus concerning her identity a few years ago.
They are - or were - a part of the Gladiators' Guild. She will likely speak well of the place.
They are Sultansworn or are a free-paladin that trained under them, like herself. Onuma will often speak fondly of or look at them with respect.
They live or have lived in Gridania. She gets plenty of wary and nasty looks there.
They are a client or an interested party that previously commissioned weapons and armor from her.
They are native to Thanalan and Ul'dah. She assisted travelers and merchants across dangerous roads when she could.
They are enlisted in the Immortal Flames; Onuma was given an honorary title for working alongside them.
They are members of certain craft guilds. Onuma took lessons from several of them.


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


Lotan'to Jiub - (Deceased) The pain resulting from his loss is still recent for Onuma, but rather than grieve, she has taken opportunities to experience the things they never were able to, together. There are, however still moments that she will slip into a wistful mood.
Y'lyfriel Sikah - While Onuma is protective over Lyfriel, she certainly was unsure of how to cope with her (almost understandably) volatile and impulsive behavior during the terrible streak of events that occurred. She had felt that she failed as an older sibling to give what she needed. Now that such events have passed, she feels as though her sister can be happy and smile again. Something she's really missed about Lyfriel.
Ralamano Nulumano - After a harrowing and emotional evening Onuma realized that Ralamano and she are like as the same people with the same background and uprising -- to an extent. In roundabout ways it is almost as if they were living in each other's shoes, feeling the same pain the other was dealt. It was a moment that Onuma could spill the secret she was hiding and come clean, enough to look toward forgiveness. Onuma now expresses complete devotion toward this man; he is surely one she will blanket and shoulder for days to come.
Fen'rin Taveck - Onuma's time with Fen'rin has been nothing short of a blast. He is wondrous as he is intelligent, even if he can be lofty and, at times, dull on the front. She considers their back-and-forth banter and teasing as a way of absolute friendship, and you won't find her hesitating to announce how much she adores this young man. Their bond, both on the field of battle and at home, is one she cherishes like treasure.
Dawson Colwell - Onuma has come to be Dawson's rock, or tries to be any way, shape, or form. His trials have opened her eyes to many things, and this most recent was perhaps the most revealing. It warmed her heart when Dawson confessed that he was beginning to have a change of heart about Lotan'to.
Rah'na Lihzeh - Onuma cares deeply for him like a younger sibling. Though, while he is on leave, the times she has crossed him have been quite ... unusual. So much so that she's uncertain what to think of him and his activities. Shudder.
Vesna Novaar - Onuma has come to learn a great deal about Vesna, even if she's sorely lacking with what to do with her a lot of the time. The two of them have grown close, and she unknowingly opened her heart to this woman many, many times. Vesna has made some incredible acts that, in all instances, Onuma finds difficult to remember correctly. There is something that connects the paladin and the warrior. Onuma has yet to discover what. Recent events have opened Onuma's eyes as to who and what Vesna is, and it has only made her more relieved that she was allowed back with the 81st.
Ainle Goldpaw - Onuma met this younger sunseeker in Ul'dah many moons ago. She thought him the quiet and reserved sort, something she could relate to heavily. The two share a love for the path of the paladin, and through him she finds a bond that isn't easily broken. His support for her has only strengthened her, and in a way, he reminds her of Lin.
E'liah Tia - E'liah can be considered one of the youngest kits of the 81st. From the moment they met, Onuma realized this young miqo'te had a big heart. That openness can be a double-edged blade, as has been proven in the past, but he continues to prove his ability to be among them, and he's completely endearing. She adores him like she would a baby brother.
Leo Arkwright - Things ended up shaky for a while between the 81st, and for a time Onuma wondered if she was going to end up losing Leo along with Vesna. Seeing his return has made her ecstatic, and she looks to him as her savior.
Rhesh'ir Zhwan - Onuma feels like she can come to understand Rhesh'ir at greater lengths now. She admires him for stepping up and returning to his role as a leader. His ability to communicate, while still shaky at times, has seen great improvement. That alone brings her new respect and new perspective about him that she wouldn't have seen in the past. And she dares to think that they're seeing each other as friends again.
Sighard Albrecht - They met again under the most unlikely of circumstances. While she is happy to see him again, Onuma is still yet wary and uncertain what to make of his affections and infatuation.
O'vitah Nunh - While they had a reunion, it was short-lived. News of his health - and seeing it with her own eyes - has alarmed her as to this older man's personal affairs. She can only hope that he stops trying to hurt himself, or worse, in the face of tragedy.
Kodaro Ba'rococo - Onuma has watched Kodaro learn and grow to be in his position of leadership. She is proud of his ability to accomplish what he has despite his troubles, though there have been times where she has watched him falter.
Solelle Frilaix - Onuma doesn't know what it is about Solelle but she is certain that it has to do with just how detached she is from the ways of ordinary elezen behavior. The miqo'te thinks fondly of her and enjoys her presence a great deal. It's not a common thing for Onuma to accept such a person, and Solelle just waltzed on through that barrier.
Lahn Flaval- Lahn is a bit of a mystery to Onuma. Though Elezen herself, she acts nothing of the sort, just like Solelle. But unlike Solelle, Lahn is very much a timid sort, despite her friendly nature. Still, she's more intelligent and clever than Onuma could even begin to fathom, and Onuma appreciates that about her. She hasn't seen her of late.
Rhysaufort Celestaux - Onuma met this elezen boy on a day when he just waltzed on in to the home without greeting himself first. Though this behavior made her distrusting of him at first, the Keeper warmed up to him incredibly fast. While he may not have the combat readiness that others possess, she finds his intuitive nature and resourcefulness a refreshing addition. He also kept her sane during her first real climb.
Stahl Shepherd - Onuma hasn't known Stahl for very long but, watching his expertise with blade wielding and his willingness to follow directions makes him a staunch ally. She decided to reward him with one of her prized blades for this reason.
Ehrinn Thorn - Onuma met this hyur during a training session. She had seen her before, but they truly didn't get to speak until then. The girl has a keen eye for archery -- something Onuma lacks. Adding to this, Onuma has further come to understand Thorn, and admires the inner strength and resolve she carries. Onuma has also come to learn a thing or two from her.
Oriel Durand - Onuma has spoken with Oriel more than once, and now that she has, she kind of likes him. A bit quirky, but he certainly enjoys his rocks. And Onuma has to admit she does too, if for different reasons. The two connected over this fairly well, or so she believes. Thanks, rocks of Eorzea!
Lynn'e Sparrow - Onuma has come to like Sparrow. He has shaped up since he first joined the 81st, though his near-death was a scare to her. She had yet to voice such when it happened, as it had to be told to her while she was recovering from her concussion. She believes he isn't yet able to handle being in traumatic situations, but his good heart lends him a strong spirit. She's accepted him and the words he has to share with her, and it brings her a great deal of comfort. More than she has spoken.
Seda'li Tayuun - Onuma wasn't sure what to think of Seda'li at first, but now she sees him as one of her younger sibling-figures. She may not voice it, but she is fiercely protective of him as she would any of the younger folk. He has come to show her compassion during her time of need, and she hopes to do the same. Even if they don't talk a lot.
Trisselle Rondelet - Onuma did not like this woman at first. She saw her as a potentially problematic addition to the 81st, due to her colored perceptions. When Onuma was at her weakest, though, Trisselle showed her there was a compassionate person beneath the icy exterior. Owing to misunderstandings, Onuma now feels like she should try to learn more about this magister.
U'dahsh'a Nunh - Onuma doesn't see Dahsh'a much anymore. She wishes him well, however.
Tahla'li Tayuun - Onuma does not see Tahla'li much anymore. She has no ill-will and wishes him well, wherever he has decided to go. His appearance at the battle against the imperials was a welcome sight.
Rinha'li Dhavha - Onuma feels as though she misjudged Rinha'li's character. Knowing of his history and what has caused him to feel and behave the way he does, Onuma senses a great deal of understanding and kinsmanship with the boy, even if he may not. She hopes to lend her hand to him now, should he accept it, and overcome the low way of living that he experiences now.

X'linwh Tia - (Deceased) These days, Lin is never far from Onuma's mind. She keeps his memory close to her heart and it serves as a reminder of the past, and how to move forward without sullying him. She has vowed to avenge him, should they find the dragon that ended his life.
Noor Falmah - Onuma does not see Noor in good light, right now. She feels like she does not truly know Noor, and neither can she trust the woman. Her wayward morals - or lack-thereof, concern Onuma a great deal.

Enemies & Other Characters

Arky Mosuke - Onuma hasn't spoken with Arky in a while. She's grown apart due to her busy life with the 81st Foreign Levy. Someday she might visit him again.
Yukiko Yue - After talking with Yue a second time, things seem to have calmed down. While she can't completely understand his situation, she can sympathize with his crestfallen spirits. Wherever he is right now, she hopes he's okay.
Zanin Briggs- Onuma met Zanin through Lahn. She adores the older man, more than she cares to admit. He has been nothing but a welcome person and she is happy to assist him with his clinic however she can. Despite having to depart for a while, Onuma wants to be able to see him again at the earliest opportunity. His kind nature draws her to him. With Lotan'to's death, it may be just one of many places to distract herself.
Zakrin Aier - Zakrin is a hyur Onuma doesn't spot all too often. He tends to be spotty, she's noticed, as they do not have terribly strong ties. However, she does respect him a great deal, and has come to understand him more beneath the almost paranoid nature he exhibits. She can tell he's a powerful swordsman, and so she sees him as a peer. A fellow guardian, as it were.
Totoko Toko - Onuma hasn't seen this lalafell since she asked her to accompany the group to Coerthas. She still has fond thoughts of this woman, but there's a worrisome feeling gnawing at her gut that something has happened, or that she was led elsewhere. Regardless, she hopes that wherever Totoko is, that she remains safe.
Sizha'to Chalahko - Onuma hasn't known the male Keeper for very long, though she met him through X'linwh and found him decidedly pleasant. About Lin's age, she discovered, but he and the Sunseeker are malms apart in personality. She finds him a curiosity, despite. He's an intelligent sort, and though Gridanian, she feels as though there is a connection between them, small as it might be for the moment. The two ran into each other once, but it was at a bad time. Sadly, she's not seen him since.
Rahn Lihzeh - Rahn'a's mother. When they first encountered her, she appeared little different than the bloodthirsty Siroccovi warriors. Underneath the guise, however, was someone who was no less a person than Onuma and the group. She respects her a great deal.
L'mila Lania - (Deceased) Onuma doesn't know how to feel about the news she was given about Mila. She had last assumed she was with Arky, but that was not the case. Perhaps she will never know. In any case, she finds herself disheartened and has added her to just one of several people she will never see or have the joy of being around again.
Kalulu Morusu (NPC) - Onuma's maidservant. She's a lalafell with a whiplash tongue and has no ends to her wit and banter. She's lived in Ul'dah all her life, but while some may think that unfortunate, Onuma fast discovered Kalulu had no end of lessons to teach. She utilizes them on a daily basis, and it's astounding just how much she can pass for a noblewoman. Needless to say, though, the mi'qote would be lying if she said she didn't prefer her to stay where she can keep an eye on her.
Mutton (NPC) - Onuma's other retainer. He's a big, burly Hellsguard that takes it upon himself to be the 'guard' of the family when they're within a City-state, usually employing himself as a handy escort if not to be an available hand. Onuma grew fond of him the moment he opened his mouth. He can be grumpy, and he can certainly be mouthy, but no one could say he wasn't passionate about his duties; especially when he gets to enjoy his dreams as a cook, having been a student at the Bismarck. Of course, his mouth has sometimes gotten him into trouble, too.
Ansgar Broadhaft - One of Onuma's very first friends. They met when she was out traveling on the fields, away from Ul'dah. She was completely quiet at the time, consumed in her thoughts. This made it easy for Ansgar to perceive it as him being the problem, but she was quick to assure him as the proverbial ice melted and the two of them began a quiet friendship. They were content to walk silently and connect through body language, but when it came to civilization, he was the more talkative of the two. She hasn't seen the man since the incident that left him with one ruined eye.
Surilian Blu - Onuma came to accept Suri around the same time that the girl decided to detach herself from the family and left them behind. While she expresses no unrelenting feelings over this, Onuma can't help but wonder what sparked her to abandon those that came to care for her and seek shelter elsewhere.
S'aerdha Tia - S'aerdha is a person of mixed feelings to Onuma. The two have rarely spoken, but while initially distrusting of him, she did come to learn his logic and way of thinking by far similar to her own. But unlike her, he plays the role of the proverbial thorn far more strongly than she ever could. She does want to eventually know more about him, as he has been one of the only allies to the free company thus far. For this she is thankful.
Alex Castell - Onuma has not seen Alex for many moons. Wherever she is, Onuma spares only a few minutes to think about her and wonder over her whereabouts.
C'aehli Ira - Onuma has not seen C'aehli ever since things went downhill in Coerthas. Vesna's lack of any memory over the woman who hired her has left her questioning what has happened between the two of them.
Keroa Mosuke - Onuma met this Keeper female while attending a grand ball in Ul'dah. She found her something of an anomaly, if only because she seemed to enjoy teasing Onuma and Arky over something that Onuma views as sacred. But she opened up more once the three of them could talk elsewhere, and it's been revealed that she harbors a great deal of care toward Arky and his condition. The one day she saw her again in Limsa, Onuma learned a great deal more about Keroa than she felt was comfortable. It's something she's kept in the back of her mind since.
Mijisaa Qisaa - Onuma has conflicted feelings over Mijisaa. She wants to like the woman, but since the happenings in Coerthas, the miqo'te felt there was a great disconnect between events, and this stirred an ever greater question whirling inside Onuma; could she have, in conscience, truly not have cared for the outcome of her hired help?

Easily Overheard Rumours
"That girl is trouble with the Wood Wailers." - Gridanian Villager
"Oh! Onuma! Smart lass; would love to know where she even got a hint of her bargaining knowledge. Money's a hard thing to come by these days. She learned well." - Ul'dahn Civilian
"Watch out for that one; a strong fighter and her words bite even harder if ye don't watch yer tongue. She's fiercer than a couerl." - Bloodsands Participant
"I never got to thank her after she intervened those monstrous Amal'jaa, ransacking my caravan and threatening to steal my poor chocobos!" -Foreign Merchant
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"I heard she was responsible for the Roost losing a window." - Gridanian Resident
"She made it up to Second-Lieutenant, but she doesn't look very proud of herself. Like she's scared. Who'd be afraid of that?" -Flame Private
"Her father own plantation. Traded with us once. Then never again." -Unnamed Tribal Keeper
Rarely Overheard Rumours
"A kid was hurt by her idiocy, throwing weapons in the dead of night in the Roost. Found embedded in a tree, it was! Fool girl." - Gridanian Wood Wailer
"Her friend came back one night, lookin' like a bleedin' maimed corpse. Not sure what happened to 'em, what havin' not seen 'em since he lost his eye, but people 'round here be whisperin' about her. Say she did it." -Passing Adventurer in Gridania
"Her pop and kid died shortly after hell rained from the sky. Coincidentally, so did a party of four Wood Wailers. Of course, no one knows what happened that day, but sometimes I wonder when I see her in the city. Who knows; there's still a missing man out there." -Gridanian Resident
"Aye. I heard o' her. Don't know what much I can tell ye, but I think she's somethin' to hide. No one stays quiet fer that long and don't have a tale to share." -Wandering Adventurer
Player Character Rumours

"She is the greatest! She's smart, and pretty and I bet she holds alot more secrets then I do. I will grow up to be just like her and one day I'm so going to ask about those secrets. But for now I'll just hide over here and watch her." -Surilian Blu

"Her? She's a sorry excuse of a blade maiden. But then again I can see talent there. And her clothing colors are all so wrong. Waste I say! Tragic waste. But I suppose it could be worse. But then again we have something in common...I can smell it." -Liana Blu

"Onuma? I can't quite confirm it, but I've heard musings that her mercenary work has the makings of myth. She and Lotan'to even assaulted a Garlean garrison alone, if the rumors ring true." -Kodaro Ba'rococo

"She sounds a leader, looks a leader. She and her lover. I don't know how she fell in with this troupe, but I feel safe with my back to her, at least. Again, my expectations are shaken, in what to expect from a Moonkeeper. Also, she wears a warrior's armor; I am not eager to fall in her ill favor." -Solelle Frilaix

"Lotan'to's passing has changed something deep within our Onuma; if she loses control of it, it may consume her. Perhaps if I can help her in even a fraction of the ways she has helped me, we will be able to overcome this struggle together." -Dawson Colwell

"Since Y'adebh was taken from me, I'd not thought to have a family, again. Not like that. Onuma has proven to be a sister born apart from me, and I shall do all in my power to honour this sentiment. Knowing I've someone I might confide in....certain, such a circumstance as our meeting must be significant." -Y'lyfriel Sikah

"First impression? She's a Warrior, through and through. Now, though? I'm not so sure that's all there is to her. Time will tell, I guess." -Alex Castell

"Oh, Onuma. She always tries to project a rough exterior, and she certainly has a potent bite to her words. But you should see her when she thinks she's alone; always playing with those little clockwork toys I make her. She's surrounded by the pets I find for her. I know her better than anyone, even herself. Hehe." -Lotan'to Jiub

"Onuma? Hmm.. She may seem scary, but she's really not! She's a nice, kind person under all her lack of smiles! She's really, REALLY sweet! You just gotta give'r a chance!" -Rah'na Lihzeh

"Tha' poor girl's go' a lot on'r mind. She's a young'n though, n' far be it from me t'tell her what t'do with'r life. She's strong though... N'she'll make it through, m'sure." -O'vitah Nunh

"The two times I met her, it was always pleasant. I wouldn't mind talking to her again, honestly. Maybe over coffee or tea or whatever she likes to drink. Maybe she can even give me a pointer or two with using a sword." -Sizha'to Chalahko

"She's got talons, I swear. She took her gloves off one day and I saw them - she even had a nail file that she used to sharpen them!" -Lynn'wo Vahnal

"You're asking me about Onuma? She's great! I love her to bits, she's quite literally my family. Sometimes she can be a bit bossy, but it's nothing sitting on her won't solve... Uh... You, probably shouldn't though, she may stab -you-." -Fen'rin Taveck

"That one is far less stupid than I originally thought. She keeps quiet when needed, which is a trait that I have come to admire when dealing with the 81st Company. It is obvious that she cares more for her allies than herself. Whether that is foolish or not, I am yet undecided." -Trisselle Rondelet

"Onuma is family to me in the sense that I always know I will have her support when I need it. She has helped me through some of the hardest moments in my life, and for that I will be eternally grateful." -Dawson Colwell