NAMEDAY: 18th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (17 Sept.)
GUARDIAN: Thaliak, the Scholar
BIRTHPLACE: The Black Shroud
RESIDENCE:The Hourglass
OCCUPATION: Arcanist/ Night-time Courtesan
➤ FIRST IMPRESSION. When first looking at Nhal'ja, he seems very intimidating, always with furrowed brows. He stands at 5'10" and has a sleek, thin frame under the thick layers he usually wears.
His Mid-length Auburn brown hair usually hangs down the back of his neck, barely touching his shoulders. His thick hair is curly and fluffy, he refuses to let people touch it and hates it when someone does.
It has been said that he can appear intimidating, with most of his appearance hidden save for intense eyes that are often far too serious or solemn. He seems to be carrying quite a heavy burden, an aura of sobriety following him wherever he goes, which makes his shoulders sag and eyes grow heavy.
Lately, a white chocobo (named Tathas) has been in Ruran’s company. Still gaining its trust and caring for its wounds, the man does not yet take the bird to join him on adventures, but perhaps one day. Until then, Ruran is finding some peace in having a friend to care for.
Ruran exemplifies simplicity and practicality. He does not often wear colors, instead choosing to stay limited in white, black, and any shade between. A (sometimes glowing) stone, etched with the symbol of Azeyma, is wrapped in a leather chord and hangs about his neck. On his right hand is a simple copper ring that's enchanted for communication. Otherwise, he wears nothing that indicates a penchant for finer things.
His silver armor is fitted and light, a personal preference for the knight over heavy and ornate. It has seen its share of use—dents, dirt, and scratches mar the metal plates. But for the most part, Ruran keeps care of it, taking it to local smiths for regular repairs and maintenance.
While he is most often seen in his suit of armor, he does own a few other articles for comfort. Sturdy boots, loose slacks, and a gray tunic is not uncommon for the man during his downtime, but the mask remains.
➤ SCARS. None that can be seen, due to a mask and suit of armor encasing his entire body most times. If not armored, he still seems particular about at least his shoulders and back being covered.
➤ Soulstone: A small, flat stone that hangs around Ruran's neck. Though it usually gives off a dim, steady pulse, it can also shine quite bright.
➤ White Funeral Mask: A polished, white wooden mask, most commonly used in traditions and rites. It rarely leaves his face.
➤ Suit of Armor: Weathered and worn, this armor has seen its share of use. He's not often seen without it, when outside his current residence.
➤ Longsword: A simple, undecorated blade. Ruran's primary weapon, which he can imbue aetheric effects upon. Also used to close voidgates.
➤ Lily Sprout: Those with access to his room would find this small flower on his windowsill. Its ceramic pot looks like it was shattered at one point.
➤ Various Maps: Primarily of the Thanalans, but also other regions of Eorzea. They are well-kept, but carry many marks and notes upon them.
➤ MELANCHOLY. Ruran remembers a time when he was truly content. It was far too long ago. Since then, only something akin to good-naturedness has flickered across his eyes, but nearly unseen is a spark of pure joy, let alone a bright grin. He carries an air of somberness and intensity with him. Nevertheless, his seriousness does not mean coldness, and there is a quiet caring in his actions, even if his expression does not show it. Ruran is a broken man, which becomes more evident when reminded of certain things.
➤ DUTY-BOUND. Whatever Ruran considers to be his path, he pursues it relentlessly, as one who knows of nothing else. Any pain of his past is pushed aside by mention of the duty he must fulfill. It seems to be the one thing keeping him going, even at the expense of his well-being…and his sanity.
➤ ALTRUISTIC. Perhaps to a fault, Ruran trusts easily and assists whenever possible. He tends to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and he reserves judgment until his trust is broken. He does not judge on appearances, but instead by actions. ...Sometimes multiple actions. This does not apply to himself, however, as he sees himself as insignificant.
➤ QUIET. Ruran is a thinker, and his thoughts often pull him inward, leaving the man sitting in a crowded tavern or social outing and completely oblivious to his surroundings. However, Ruran does not enjoy speaking his thoughts; he will give polite answers and apologies to those who catch him in a daze. The longer an average day wears on, the more quiet he becomes, until he slips silently into a rented inn room and does not leave until morning.
◆ Very wary of explosives and firearms. May mentally break down if fired too close to him.
◆ Likewise, he also has certain trigger words that inflict him with PTSD-like symptoms: flashbacks, paranoia, trembling, etc.
◆ Adjusts his mask if feeling anxious or insecure, a comfort object of sorts.
◆ A terrible sleeper, often plagued by night terrors. Tossing and turning in a restless half-sleep is not uncommon for him.
◆ Knows much about engineering, but refrains from speaking about it and possesses no items that would link him to such a field.
◆ Binge-drinks. Usually in his room, where he can do so without interruption.
➤ SWORDSMAN. Ruran carries a simple, trusty longsword, and has trained in the arts of melee combat. This may sometimes be exchanged for a pair of daggers, but only when called upon for certain situations. He attacks with quick strikes and can afford to be at least a little reckless when encased in metal plates, though he tries not to be hit at all.
➤ THE BLESSING OF AZEYMA. A strange aura empowers Ruran, imbuing him with holy energy and granting him unnatural abilities such as augmented magical attacks and minor short-distance teleportation. However, this power is mostly out of his control in his current state, and it will quickly exhaust him if used too often.
➤ VOIDSBANE. Through years of training and research, Ruran has learned ways to combat the Void and its denizens. He is well aware of rituals to dispel Voidgates and send its creatures back to the dark realm, and he will do so without hesitation.
➤ UNBENDING. Ruran does not go down easily, determined to live until he is physically unable to stand, and sometimes beyond.
➤ BASTION. Clad in armor and occasionally with a shield, it can be difficult to land a lethal hit on the knight. Also, despite his languid posture, he is quite quick on his feet and able to close the distance with surprising (and perhaps even terrifying) swiftness.
➤ ARI'DORAM. A powerful force protects the knight of Azeyma. The soulstone at his chest often shoves the man past his typical capabilities, and wards against those who would seek to harm his soul or mind.
• Note: Highly resistant to most mind-manipulation, such as sleep and charm. He is also immune to void/dark-aspected effects.
➤ AETHERICAL INSTABILITY. While Ruran has the potential for magic, he struggles to control it. Perhaps because his mind is constantly unsettled, or he is simply not strong enough, he cannot depend on the inconsistency of these abilities. On more than one occasion, it has acted without his knowing or not responded when he needed it, causing more harm than good.
➤ RELUCTANCE. Behind every swing of his sword is a man who wishes he had another choice. Guilt and hesitance plague him, and his resolve can be shaken if approached the correct way.
➤ BROKEN MIND. Certain loud noises and the presence of explosions may cause the man to flinch, sometimes even making him seize up...or his mind may retreat into a temporary coma. He avoids these situations whenever possible.
➤ RANGED. Armed with only a blade and some unstable aetheric abilities, Ruran is most helpless when he cannot reach his target. Marksmen and mages, though they may have a difficult time getting through his defenses, are still at an advantage until the knight can move within melee range. Also, though he has knowledge and skill in firearms, he will pointedly avoid sharpshooters and pray others will pursue them.
◆ “Eh, who? ‘Ruin’? … A blonde armored guy in a mask? Name don’t sound familiar, but I did see someone matchin’ that description passin’ by the gate the other day. Don’t know where he was goin’, but ‘e didn’t seem in any hurry.” - Rug Merchant, Scorpion Crossing
◆ “Ruran… He’s staying at the inn over there, right? —Oh, he’s not there? Hm, I wonder where he went…” - Observant Busybody, The Mist
◆ “Oh, I ran into a man of that description on the street. Quite literally, much to my embarrassment. The mask was unsettling, but he seemed nice enough. He helped me up, then bowed and apologized, even though it was my fault…” - Clumsy Shopper, Sapphire Avenue
◆ “Mm, he came in here asking if there’d been any trouble, and if he could help. I told him there’s always trouble with the beastmen, but he didn’t seem interested in that kind of work. He was polite and professional though. I’ll hire him if something else comes up.” - Innkeeper, Camp Drybone
◆ “Yeah, I know ‘im. Mister Vas came into my shop, wantin’ his armor repaired. Had a big ol’ scratch on the front, like somethin’ clawed ‘im. Didn’t look like no animal I’d ever seen, so I asked ‘bout it. Said it was from a voidsent. Would call ‘im a fool for seekin’ out that kind of trouble, but it got me some coin, so I can’t judge, hahah!” - Blacksmith, Moraby Drydocks
◆ “Hmm? Oh! Er—yes! I remember he came in here a few weeks ago. He wanted information on…Sil’dih? And books on soulstones, and voidsent, and the Twelve, and geography… All kinds of topics! I asked him what he could possibly want all this research for, and he…looked kinda sad. I mean, at least as far as I could tell, with that mask and all.” - Cheerful Librarian, Arrzaneth Ossuary
◆ “Ruran Vas… A mysterious man, a mysterious past, but not so difficult to read. Watch his eyes, for they speak tomes: he is seeking redemption. But I fear he is so dogged in his pursuit of atonement and to protect those he loves, that he…may very well destroy himself in the process.” - Cloaked Woman, Little Ala Mhigo
◆ “I think ‘e’s sick, ‘cuz I saw ‘im run into an alley, ’n he was stumblin’ ‘round like ‘e was ‘bout to fall over. ‘E looked at me, but I’mma good ‘ider. ‘Is eyes were like…like tiny lil' suns!” - Curious Child, The Goblet
◆ “Oh, Ruran, aye! Me ’n ‘im got shite-faced together, but ‘e can’t ‘old ‘is booze too good. ‘Fore I knew it, ‘e was leanin’ on me, sobbin’ buckets ’n tellin’ me ‘ow much ‘e missed ‘is family and wanted to go 'ome. Ramblin’ ‘bout lilies or somethin’, and questionin’ ‘is existence ’n all. Eh—don’t tell ‘im I told you though, sounds like the poor sod’s got ‘nough troubles as it is.” - Boisterous Miner, Vesper Bay
◆ "Ruran Vas... A knight if I ever saw one, dressed all in white with shining sword. But burdened, heavily so. You can see it in his eyes and hear it in his words. There is much I would do to see him smile, just once." - Mae Rosenthal
◆ "The man cares more than he'll ever show. It's just in his nature... it always has been." - Cyrus Chambers
◆ "His face? Aye, I've seen it. S'why he needs to wear the mask, 'cause if ye 'ave the face o' a god, it's necessary in order to walk among us mortals. Under tha' mask tho' is me reason fer singin'. An' he always gives me an ear, even iffin' the singin's mediocre...wish he'd invite me back to his room. " - Sephora Sirenas
◆ "Ghost either goes to a lot of childrens parties or he really doesn't like to share his face, if he has one. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it's the latter. He should probably realize though that no matter what kind or lack of face he has people won't really care, in the end. Yeah, because it's the inside that counts, and it's all nice and mushy, like the rest of us. Hmmm, I guess he might be missing a nose though. I've after all seen the lower parts of his face. A person without a nose would be sort of weird, but not as weird as the mask he carries. No matter! I like the guy, he needs to smile more!" - Xivrez'to Ithaka
◆ "Stare long enough into his armour, and slowly a rather lovely butt shall appear. Like magic, truly." - Mae Rosenthal
◆ "Ruran has been a great help to our organisation. He is... quiet, but strong. The mask has raised some eyebrows and suspicion amongst our members, but as long as he is loyal to us, I do not care what he wishes to hide." - Oyuu Dataq
Ruran has known Romi all of his life; she was always part of his family, to do what his crippled mother could not. She is a wise and caring lalafell, who taught Ruran most of what he knows, and spurred a curiosity and wonder in him that drove him to become the kind man he is at his core.
Although advised against it, Ruran approached Romi in Tailfeather, revealing himself to be alive. It's been one of the brighter times in his new life, being able to see someone he loves and take heart in them. She has, of course, sworn secrecy, but her life is so isolated with the Vath in Dravania that it is not a difficult task.
Recently, she has been seen more often around him, much to his approval (but also apprehension). After learning that his work had been damaged in a fire, she has lent him much of her books and tools for research. The help is greatly appreciated, and his progress has been effectively boosted.
Ari'doram: Dangerous. Ari'doram holds a certain amount of respect for the lalafell, sensing abilities and attachments that could see its downfall, if not careful.
His loving parents, who are no more. Graeme was a large man and kind-hearted angler; Nadia was a meek and lovely seamstress, though she became small and fragile from a disease early in Ruran's childhood. He thinks of them fondly, but also with great remorse.
Ruran shows nothing but contempt for this 'man', if he can still call himself that. After several attacks and threats, he has no tolerance for Auric, refusing to call him his brother, and festering a rare hatred within the knight. If push came to shove, Ruran would not hesitate to take him down.
Ari'doram: Repulsed. There is no mercy left for the corrupted man. Ari'doram would encourage Ruran to kill him on sight.
"My light, my only," he once called her. She was everything to him, saved him in more ways than one, and was one of the reasons Ruran fought as hard as he did.
However, news has since spread to Ruran that shortly after his presumed death, his beloved was quick to run into the arms of a new lover. Whatever fragile hope he clung to, had been ripped from him. He did not expect her to move on so eagerly, and thus was sown the seed of confusion for the feelings she once expressed, and with it, came doubt and resentment...
Ari'doram: Regret. At first respectful of the woman, but the amount of setback she has done to Ruran's psyche is both bewildering and unforgivable.
Ruran loves his daughter more than he can express. One of his greatest regrets is that he cannot be a part of her life and watch her grow. He hopes she will remember at least a single memory of him, however, she was so young that he does not expect her to even remember his face...
A chipper mammet-hearted magitek bit and a serious little mammet with a few dents, Olli and Bubby are the Rinannis family's tiny protectors. Loyal and curious, they help however they can, including being playmates for the children. Ruran knows Olli would return to him...but the knight has chosen to leave the bit behind, for his family's sake.
Before Ruran took the role of the man with the mask and was forced to leave his friends and family, he was closely tied with this group of salvagers. It has broken his heart to run into them time and again, having to dismiss any accusations from curious and particularly observant members, but he has learned to steel himself in their presence.
Even so, it does strike him as curious that they have taken up the role of hunting voidsent and closing portals—a connection to the knight's interest that he wishes he could delve into more, with them as allies...
An accounting firm and home to a few of Ruran's acquaintances such as Phi, Keldorin, and Sehn. From a man falling from the sky and into their yard, to a festive All Saint's Wake party, each visit has never failed to pique his interest. He has been treated with politeness and hospitality each time, and he looks forward to seeing more of the firm and its residents.
Ruran approached Keldorin and Phi concerning the strange feelings surrounding the estate. They divulged him of its secrets, and though their explanation makes sense, it still leaves him a bit wary... However, he is choosing to trust that they know what they are doing, and he has chosen to remain their friend and ally.
Having visited Mae's large family in Ishgard, Ruran has piqued the curiosity of the Rosenthals. He feels overwhelmed by both their prestige and endless questions, but he respects them immensely.
An independent group of mages, scholars, and explorers who have made it their cause to seek out knowledge, study and fight the Void, seek artifacts, and put down any threats. Ruran has offered his blade to this group, though recent events have made him doubt if he has the stomach for their ends-justify-the-means philosophy and sometimes cruel behavior.
Still, he remains loyal, and will be quick to rush to their assistance when called upon.
One of Ruran’s oldest and most trusted friends. The mage is enigmatic and distant most of the time, but Ruran would never question his loyalty. The two have had some rocky footing lately, with Cyrus’s aloofness not meshing well with Ruran’s grief, but they are making strides to work through it.
He has not seen the man for quite some time, but this is not unusual for Cyrus. Ruran hopes that he is well, but part of him thinks it's for the best that the two are apart for now.
Ari'doram: Content. Cyrus has allowed Ruran to continue his path and assist when needed, but does not bother him otherwise.
A strange little miqo’te cartographer whose chipper personality is something that Ruran appreciates. She claims that she owes him for helping her, but the knight is simply grateful for her safety, and that she was willing to help cart his unconscious body to safety.
The two have exchanged quiet conversations and difficult questions on more than one occasion, and Ruran has been seen in the company of the Keeper, as a guard of sorts, while she travels to various locations to complete her maps. Both seem to carry troubled pasts, but both have expressed a willingness to share their stories in time.
Ari'doram: Mistrust. Although at first willing to work with her, she has openly expressed a desire for Ruran to find a new path.
A healer from Ishgard who Ruran met while traveling. Her gentleness, mirth, and clear concern for others puts him at ease. She even unintentionally managed to get the briefest of chuckles out of him, to the surprise of them both. Over time, Ruran struggled with muddling through his feelings concerning the bright woman, and not without much confusion, hesitation, and guilt.
The different aspects and locations of their work (one in Ishgard, one in the Thanalans) has resulted in much time apart these days, and thus has prevented anything further from coming to fruition. For now, he considers her to be a close friend.
There does seem to be something off about her—some secret that she has promised to divulge but hesitates to do so, that makes him concerned. Yet Ruran continues to trust her, even despite the inkling that not all is as he is led to believe. Especially considering the fresh scars on his back, given by her and Afoix...
Ari'doram: Tolerance. It deems her as having been beneficial for Ruran's emotional stability, so long as she does not distract him.
Met at the bottom of Witchdrop, of all places. Ruran and this strange masked miqo'te followed the caverns and worked together to close a voidgate deep within. Though Phi leaves him with more questions than answers, he finds her company enjoyable. He has a few suspicious about her, all of which he keeps to himself.
The two have begun discussing more about their personal matters. They do not see eye to eye on Ruran's situation, but he has agreed to help with Phi's own. There is more he wishes to discuss in the future, especially the many curiosities surrounding her existence. He holds a respect for Phi and wishes to see her happy, also he is quite a fan of her dapper snow bean, Benjy.
Though they mainly go their own ways, each meeting has proven that Ruran can trust Phi. He has seen her be sensitive to his comfort time and again, and respectful to both him and Ari'doram. He greatly appreciates these actions and will not be quick to forget them.
Ari'doram: Skeptical. Senses corruption, and is prepared to ensure that Ruran stays his course, if required.
A mischievous bard who unabashedly flirts with the sheepish knight every chance she gets. But behind her teasings, he has found someone in whom he can confide; each has shared one another’s greatest secret and sworn to keep them. She often plays at the inn he frequents, which he greatly enjoys.
She has expressed a desire to interview him, to record his life and deeds through story and song. Ruran has agreed to this, so long as his identity in the stories remains anonymous.
After hearing about Ruran's loss, she encouraged him to not give up. She also refused to let him mope, spurring him to move forward into the next stage of his mission, and offering to help in whatever way she can.
Ari'doram: Pleasantly surprised. Her current eagerness to help Ruran with his mission is refreshing to Ari'doram, even if she previously pushed him to return to his family.
Ruran has known this miqo’te for quite a while, though Xiv didn’t know it at first. He has since revealed himself to the Keeper but pleaded for his secrecy to be maintained. Xiv has promised to keep it, but not without warning that the truth always finds a way to be revealed. He has also agreed to keep a discreet eye on Ruran's family.
A surgeon of Ishgard, Afoix first met Ruran while the knight was having a mental breakdown (much to his embarrassment and shame). Still, the doctor was supportive and even offered his assistance. Although Afoix is curt and sometimes relentless in his pointed questions, Ruran respects him and his work.
He has confronted Ruran alone, asking him a peculiar request and revealing some mysterious new facets of the good doctor. Ruran has agreed, albeit hesitantly, and quietly wonders what will come of it.
In lieu of Afoix's request, Ruran invited the doctor to join him in investigating a haunted town. Over all, the masked knight...almost enjoyed himself. Afoix proved to be competent and practical, with no unnecessary bloodshed or moral dilemmas. A positive experience, all things considered.
There is doubt, however, with the added perspective of the way in which Afoix offered to help Ruran with his aether issues. Details left untold to the knight until it was too late, that he would be carving into Ruran's back with a blade. The pain Ruran feels on his skin is not one he will forget anytime soon.
Met in the rainforests of La Noscea, this smiling woman strikes Ruran as strange, somehow. Both her knowledge of Garlean technology and her past makes him wary, yet with the sincerity and warmth of her words, he cannot help but give her the benefit of the doubt.
Ruran does not know this Xaela woman well, but he and others of the Order of Ouroboros are working to find her lost brother. Though the future seems grim, he has offered condolences and encouragement when he can, though his melancholy demeanor holds back his ability to offer any bright optimism. Still, he hopes the best in finding her brother, and he will do all he can to make sure he is found and returned safely.
An officer in the Order of Ouroboros, Arthurioux is a well-mannered elezen with a kind demeanor, who seems to be willing to give Ruran the benefit of the doubt despite his mask. He also seems to be a skilled mage, which easily impresses Ruran.
Ruran met this shy but kind raen in the company of Masahiko Akiyama. Her wide-eyed wonder is endearing, and she bravely caught and delivered his rogue linkpearl as it bounced down a busy street in Ul'dah. He feels indebted to both raen and wishes them the best of travels.
He came across both Chizuri and Masahiko again, near a house in the Shroud that lay haunted. Chizuri remained in control of her fears and quietly assisted those who entered the building, and Ruran was impressed by the meek braveness that she displayed.
Ruran met this woman at Scorpion Crossing, his curiosity piqued as she questioned guards and merchants around the camp for information regarding the murder of her father. After some brief conversation and discussing possible leads, he offered to help however he could. She gave him her linkpearl in case he found anything new.
Ruran contacted her a few weeks later, stating that he may have discovered a clue. The evidence has led to a group of hired killers, and Ruran and Chrys—as well as a few of her allies—are figuring out the safest way to proceed, while still getting the answers Chrys needs.
This midlander has quite the silver tongue, Ruran learned while shopping for supplies at the Silver Bazaar. Her wit is sharp, though unfortunately her sass is wasted on the stoic knight. He also discovered that she is an acquaintance of Afoix Kirent. Her personality and lifestyle are so different from the doctor, that Ruran quietly wonders how the two could possibly get along.
Within the first few minutes of meeting Emreg, Ruran witnessed him kill a man. The rest of their time did not go much better, mistaking a group of rebels for cultists, getting disarmed and caught in fire traps, and being reprimanded by the rebellion commander for their foolhardy actions.
Despite this, the situation was resolved, and Emreg and Ruran were able to find common ground and exchange linkpearls, when all was said and done. Ruran finds Emreg's energy and independence refreshing, though the man's grey moral compass somewhat unnerves him.
A midlander who works at Summerford Farms. She took care of Ruran while he was injured, and he feels indebted to her. He owes the young woman a bottle of wine and a proper visit. After delivering a bottle of wine, he later sat down with her and caught up with their recent events. He learned that she intends to submit an application to the Arcanist guild soon, and that she has a great love for archaeology and history. Her interest in Sil'dih has piqued Ruran's admiration, and he wonders how he might be able to help her with her studies.
Ruran bumped into this miqo'te just before she began to be heckled by a group of drunks. Though he had said he would protect her until she got where she needed to be, she swiftly proved that she was quite capable of taking care of herself.
Later, he was pleased to see that she had taken up his offer to stay at the inn at the Goblet for a time. The two talked over a meal (or at least half of one), each questioning the other over why they do what they do. Her life is by choice, his life is by circumstance; the contrast was not lost on Ruran.
She seems kind and sensible, and her level-headedness brings some measure of calmness to the knight. Being a soldier by trade for many years, she understood his struggle when she discovered that he suffers from severe trauma, and she was quick to bring him back from an episode, all the while respecting his mask and privacy.
A miqo'te healer who Ruran met in the Goblet. She is polite and understanding, even if taken aback by Ruran's mask. He witnessed her spring into action when a stranger appeared at the gates, bloody and wounded, and she was able to quickly patch him up enough to take him inside and mend him further. Their meeting did not last long, but he was impressed by her decisiveness and skill.
Ruran ran into this Keeper and his fairy friend (Kit) at the Silver Bazaar. The two exchanged pleasantries and made known each other's soulstones. There is a curious aether about John that he can't quite place, but what put him moreso at unease was when the miqo'te switched to the Grindstone--and the absence of a lalafell named Ado, who hasn't gone to watch a match in moons...
Ruran heeded a call from the Brass Blades at the Forgotten Springs concerning a voidsent problem. Following the lead, he discovered John at the forefront of battle, and together they slew a monstrous voidsent in the form of a large wolf. Ruran then learned a bit more about the John and his story, got a hug from Kit, and advised the miqo'te to learn the ways of defending himself against the Void. Just in case.
Ruran first met the proprietor of the Charlemend & Lumont estate during an All Saints Wake party. He was impressed by the elezen's ability to lead a crowd and maintain a festive atmosphere, pulling off a silly costume while still maintaining his dignity. There are secrets concerning the man that trouble Ruran, but he is working to think beyond the box and offer trust.
Encouraged by Phi, Ruran has gone to Keldorin for assistance concerning his aetheric troubles. The elezen offered to look into it, provided that the masked man divulges more specific information. Weighing his options and fighting hesitance, Ruran is deciding how to proceed and how much to tell.
Ari'doram: Suspicious. Ari'doram is begrudgingly allowing Ruran to take a risk in trusting him, if only because he might be able to help them.
Ruran met Kanako in the depths of the Burning Wall. Though their meeting started out tense, they quickly learned that they have an uncanny amount in common. (WIP)
Ruran first met the proprietor of the Charlemend & Lumont estate during an All Saints Wake party. He was impressed by the elezen's ability to lead a crowd and maintain a festive atmosphere, pulling off a silly costume while still maintaining his dignity. There are secrets concerning the man that trouble Ruran, but he is working to think beyond the box and offer trust.
Encouraged by Phi, Ruran has gone to Keldorin for assistance concerning his aetheric troubles. The elezen offered to look into it, provided that the masked man divulges more specific information. Weighing his options and fighting hesitance, Ruran is deciding how to proceed and how much to tell.
Ari'doram: Suspicious. Ari'doram is begrudgingly allowing Ruran to take a risk in trusting him, if only because he might be able to help them.
A series of unfortunate circumstances pitted Ruran against this Keeper that he once called friend. Unable to explain himself and unable to fight his former comrade, and now thought to be a cultist, Ruran is on the run from Kheja'a. If he could just show his face, things would be much easier...
Ruran and Kheja'a met again, and though the masked knight still remained cryptic concerning himself and his purpose, the two were at least able to determine that they were on the same side. The Keeper requested a way to contact him in the future, and so a drop-off location for a letter was given. Ruran, unfortunately, couldn't allow anything more than that.
Ruran knows little about Lauriel, except that she is from Gridania, is a healer, and holds herself well. Despite an abrasive first meeting due to the tension of a murder investigation (which resulted in Ruran lying unconscious in the snows of Coerthas), the knight found his way to Lauriel's office with a request for assistance.
Though she had every right to decline, she agreed to help him with his condition through weekly therapy and cognitive exercises. He has begun learning techniques and is gaining an understanding of himself. Though a recognition of his many problems has been a bit disheartening, he knows it's a step toward overcoming them. They have since covered everything from his heartache, to his mission, to his childhood, to the hate he harbors for his brother, and they now pursue the next step in his treatment: confronting the source of his PTSD.
Something does seem to be amiss, however, and a little voice in the back of his head warns that she may not be all she appears to be (or that she may be in danger). He has no substantial proof of this, aside from an alert from his soulstone and subtle shiftiness from the healer. Otherwise, the woman seems quite kind and fair, and their doctor/patient boundaries ensure that her role as a therapist is not compromised.
Ruran had only managed to run into this xaela a couple times before donning his mask, but he knew enough about the mercenary to know that he could be trusted to follow through with a job. Madoc has been hired by Ruran to keep an eye on his family, and to let him know if any danger is present.
Upon their first meeting after being hired, Madoc stated that he knew exactly who Ruran was. It wasn't difficult for him to guess, having more pieces of the puzzle than most. But Madoc assured him that he has no intention of letting his identity slip, and so Ruran can do nothing but trust in the xaela.
Madoc delivered the news concerning Ruran's ex-wife and offered a shoulder for him, which the knight appreciated. Despite his grief, Ruran agreed that the xaela should still watch his family, though he wished to hear only of dangers from now on.
Ruran stumbled across Maril after suffering from a near-fatal poison attack from of a Hammer Beak. He called to her for assistance in finding a root, and the healer happened to have some in her satchel. He was forced to rest, and she sat with him. The two began to talk about many things, and she eventually gave him a linkpearl to a network of healers. Also a sandwich. And some jokes.
Ruran has promised to visit her in the Shroud for tea. They have also made a trade: in exchange for more jokes, he must teach her how to make soup.
A smirking raen in the company of Chizuri Inoue. He seems the good-natured but teasing sort, and ultimately the two shared a mutual friendliness and politeness, even if mercifully forced on the au ra's side, the grin ever-inching on his mouth.
Ruran met Masahiko and Chizuri again, in the Shroud. Together, they ventured into trouble, where Ruran was able to see a different side of the raen... The side that was terrified of haunted houses. Ruran didn't judge him, however, understanding full well how terrifying spirits can be.
While following a lead on a job, Ruran spotted Nailah along the road. She convinced him that barging in on cultists alone was a terrible idea, and the two instead chose to talk and get to know each other. Ruran left their meeting intrigued, and he intends to get in touch with her again soon.
They exchanged letters for a short while, and Ruran was able to thank the woman for her advice by giving her several bright royal blue feathers, which she used as fletching for her best arrows.
Correspondence with Nailah ended abruptly, and Ruran had not heard from her in quite some time. He was surprised to cross paths with her once more, wearing a mask not unlike his own, and having taken up a new life with a wish for no previous attachments to her old one. He understands her situation better than most, and he respects her choice. Perhaps they will meet again, one day.
Nenia met Ruran during a rather troubling time for him. The masked man lay face down in the Thanalan shrubs, unable to move due to his aether wreaking havoc within him. Her training was a godsend, as she was able to quell his inner turmoil and get him back on his feet. He discovered a few similarities in just their first meeting: born in the Black Shroud, selfless hospitality, and a deep loneliness that both deny. Their interaction was filled which much politeness, fussing, and stammering from both sides, and he parted ways being grateful to have met her.
He met her again, with similar fussing and kindness exchanged, though Ruran felt guilty for twice being a situation where he needed help. Even so, their meeting was serendipitous, and he remains ever grateful for her charity.
One of the leaders of the Order of Ouroboros. He seems quite level-headed and well-spoken, having offered Ruran the opportunity to join the Order. Ruran appreciates this, and he will do his best to be useful. He seems to value diplomacy over violence, which Ruran finds to be of great relief.
Upon first impression at Charlemend & Lumont, Ruran deemed Renaud as a practical (albeit stoic) gentleman of Ishgard. But it didn't take long for the masked knight to learn that there was much more to this man. A small detail slipped, and Ruran was sworn to secrecy, meeting a gaze that was quite serious of its severity for a loose tongue.
After seeing Renaud in battle, bathed in red light and a raging fire in his eye, the two spoke about the source of the elezen's power, and the darkness within Renaud. The conversation was enlightening, a new outlook given to the knight bound to the deity of light.
Met by mere happenstance, Renelle was calm and kind in teaching Ruran how to play a singing bowl. In just a short time, she showed him the importance of peace...and just how much tension he had been carrying lately.
He met her again in a tavern, where he learned that her shop—The Crystal Griffin—had opened up in Ishgard. After finding out more about her wares, Ruran hopes to order and receive some healing poultices from the woman next time he's in the snowy city-state. She's also saving him a singing bowl.
To Ruran's surprise, Rosa and the Jackals pursued the same strange anomaly as he, at the Burning Wall. Despite him playing it safe and maintaining his composure while hidden among his old friends, a vision from an ahriman made Ruran's true voice speak without his intention, and Rosa was quick to suspect his true identity.
When later confronted if he was Locke, he was forced to lie and deny, which disheartened both him and the voidsent huntress, who believed him.
These two skirted around one another before Ruran donned his mask, so he never quite got to know the fellow knight. However, recent coincidences have led them to cross paths more times than either seem comfortable with. Rufus has made his suspicions and reluctance to trust the masked man quite clear, and Ruran cannot blame him, for he only seems to meet the other when trouble is brewing. With Ruran's artifact regained, he is unsure if he'll meet Rufus again. Part of him hopes he does.
Mounted on a mighty chocobo named Bella, Ryder rushes into action with gun in hand, much to the quiet admiration of Ruran. The two seem to get along (mask-apprehension aside) adequately, but Bella...not so much. She has snipped at Ruran while he attempted to help Ryder, forcing him to maintain a careful distance around the fellow midlander, so long as the chocobo is near.
A miqo'te who holds leadership in the Order of Ouroboros. Ruran questions what Sahael would endeavor to do with things concerning the Void, but otherwise the two have gotten along rather well. He hopes to talk with him again soon.
A friend of Phi and Saha'sae, Sehn came to the assistance of Phi to help Ruran in the Shroud. She seems skeptical of him due to his mask and aversion to the main streets of Ul'dah, but she was also kind and polite to him when he needed help but couldn't give answers. She remained helpful and was also comforting to Phi, when he visited the Accounting firm at a later time. She reminds him of his old friends in the Jackals, confident but down-to-earth.
Ruran met her again at al All Saints Wake party, where she performed a stunning and energetic dance routine, and then was part of his team in a group game. He was then introduced to her young daughter... Though it warmed his heart, he soon found reason to leave, else his sorrow return.
A fellow mask-wearer who Ruran met in Vesper Bay, while looking for someone to hire for his ventures into the Thanalan ruins. Sun'ra agreed, and the two successfully retrieved what Ruran needed from a tunnel near the temple of Qarn. Afterward, linkpearls were exchanged, and the knight agreed to let him know if he needed assistance again.
Overall, Ruran was quite relieved to not have to go alone, and Sun'ra proved to be observant, clever, and a capable fighter. The miqo'te's coeurl, however, puts both him and his chocobo at unease, but the beast seems to be well-trained, at least.
Though at first wary in the raen's presence, Ruran has grown used to being in the company of Temame. She is kind and hopeful, and thankfully not quite observant enough to recognize him through his mask.
Bumping into this Keeper was unexpected, in the middle of the forests of La Noscea with a rift to the Void opening above them. The two worked together to slay the abomination that exited the rift. Ruran feels the presence of the Void within her, and he can't help but wonder for her safety.
A long-time acquaintance of Ruran since even before his mask, Torhe has been seeing him around due to a few run-ins with the Jackals. The knight has always admired her pensive observance and eye for strategy, though it has made him worried that she may be directing her skills in his direction, particularly at his identity.
A pleasant Doman woman who has bumped into Ruran a time or two. She seems interested in his work, and he is slowly learning more about her, though he quietly hopes she does not do the same.
Ruran saved this chocobo from its previous abusive owners. Dirty and wounded, Tathas is being tended by Ruran, who has found new friendship with the timid bird.
A whirlwind of a lalafell who swept up Ruran in a series of strange and wild circumstances, including an impromptu trip to the Void. The knight is still not quite sure if what happened was real, or if it was just a very convincing dream.
Having only met this Highlander once a long time ago, and having shared a table recently, Ruran can't say much concerning Gunnar. He seems passionate about fighting Garlemald, and Ruran can appreciate that type of fire.
Suspicious and mistrusting of Ruran's mask and motives, Tak's meetings with the knight have had a rocky start. The miqo'te seems to have decided to tolerate him, and Ruran hopes to prove that he is worthy of his trust. ...As long as the mask isn't shot off his face.
A recent business partner, Ruran has agreed to give artifacts found in his travels to this elezen, in exchange that they do not fall into the wrong hands. What comes of it, and whether Ruran can truly trust the man, remains to be seen.
Chrys's friend and boss, Nicholas first met Ruran in Ul'dah. Unfortunately, he happened to meet the knight in rather shady circumstances, so the two got off on the wrong foot. Although Ruran is not quite sure what to make of the man yet, he believes that Nicholas has honorable intentions and wishes for the safety of his members.
Being hired to break into Ruran's apartment with the intent of planting explosives to assassinate him...wasn't an ideal reason to meet Odie. Yet there she was. She was quick to take it back, once she realized her plan had been foiled. They then somehow agreed to share a drink sometime.
Of the same family as Phi, Ruran first met this Keeper in the Shroud. Fortunately, he and his companions were kind enough to deliver the weakened knight back to the Goblet on the back of Saha'sae's chocobo. Ruran is wary of him, being a stranger (even if a good samaritan), but his association with Phi helps to relieve his worries.
Ruran first met this raen dressed in white on the outskirts of an abandoned and haunted abode. He seems to be acquaintances with Masahiko and Chizuri. Yorumei speaks graceful, cryptic words, and he is followed by strange winds that carry curious whispers. Merely conjury? Or something more?
I'm not looking to attach myself to one particular person; I want a wide spectrum of players and personalities! While I consider myself a heavy RPer, work and personal projects (as well as doing PvE dailies) keep me busy sometimes, so if you're looking for an RP partner with whom you can spend most of your time, I'm afraid I'm not for you. I'd still love to meet your character and develop a story, but possessiveness and jealousy are huge aversions for me.
Want to RP? All you have to do is mention it in my presence, and I will try to make plans. It's that easy, don't be shy!
If you're uncomfortable? Tell me; I will do the same for you. There is little that can happen in an RP that will make me squeamish, so long as it is OOCly consensual among all parties involved. I prefer my RP to be a little gritty and I ask that at least an attempt is made to be lore-consistent, but otherwise I am open for all kinds of RP.
All of my characters are located on the Balmung server. My timezone is EST/GMT-5, and I'm often online after 6pm Monday-Saturday, and Sundays I'm available all day. I also enjoy Skype/Discord RP, for those who have a busy schedules/time conflicts, enjoy para-posting, or want something laid-back that takes place over casual windows of time.
Despite the same last name, this character is not associated ICly or OOCly with Lilithium Rinannis Altair.
The Man With No Face contains IC-only canon: RP recaps, art, stories, screenshots, etc. Feel free to check it out!
The Hand of Mercy is Locke's old account, now used for OOC reblogs/non-Ruran art, and general FFXIV content.