Berrod Armstrong

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Berrod Armstrong
Berrod Armstrong.
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ul'Dahn
Age Early Twenties
Name Day 11th Sun of the First Astral Moon
Guardian Rhalgr the Destroyer
Occupation Leader of the Astral Agents



Artwork done by Liucen/Berrod Armstrong

Berrod Armstrong is a displaced Ala Mhigan highlander who leads a Free Company that operates out of the Goblet in Thanalan. Until recently he suffered with amnesia and lived life as a crude-mannered street thug who hailed from Pearl Lane in Ul'Dah. Prior to his acquisition of the company, his day to day life consisted of seeking means of survival in post-Calamity Eorzea.


Artwork done by Yanare Ku

Berrod is a tall and solidly built Highlander male who reaches a proud height of six fulms and five ilms. His body is at its physical peak, wrapped in two hundred and seventy-nine ponz of bulky, well-worked muscle. His most distinguishable feature is the shock of red hair on his head, clipped down at the sides and tied into a tail at the back. When let down, the hair reaches down just between his shoulder blades. Bright green eyes peer from behind an oft-folded brow, the prelude to a rather roughly handsome face accented with a neatly trimmed red beard about his hard, square jaw.

His name tells no lies, both the Highlander's arms are powerfully muscled and rather large, with moderate vascularity and a ruddy dusting of hair along his corded forearms. They end in big calloused hands with scarred knuckles -- a testament to both hard labor and training. He proudly sports a prominent chest (also red-swept with hair), a broad back and a well-developed core that tapers slightly at the waist before expanding into trunk-like thighs and calves. While the intricacies of his form are usually obscured by his clothing, Berrod's big frame is enough to go by. Berrod seems to be very interested in gaining mass; every few moons he appears noticeably larger than he had been prior. He has gone from a starting weight of two hundred and thirty-five ponz in pearl lane, to his current weight of two hundred and seventy nine ponz.


Given the enviromnent that he spent his period of amnesia in (Pearl Lane and the streets of Ul'Dah), Berrod had developed a rather crude, rough, violent and short-tempered personality. The man was as easily pleased as he was angered, however, and found enjoyment in simple things like sharing a meal with friends.

When in a good mood, Berrod was often crudely flirtatious and prone to levity, known for his loud and scandalous barks of laughter. As anger took over he was quick to resort to violence, no matter how imposing his target was. The Highlander was no stranger to obscene language and had no qualms about belting out profanity -- regardless of who was around.


Immediately after his recovery Berrod came across as a serious no-nonsense fellow, though he had his rare moments of levity and other juvenile pursuits. Where his temper was once short and his reactions overt, he gained a tendency to hide most of his reactions behind a solid wall of solemn regard. The wall was not permanent, and fell in the private presence of close friends and lovers. Recently his personality has balanced somewhat, and he displays many of his old, crude habits. While there is a definite serious side to his dealings, one can easily identify the man's history of thuggery through his demeanor.

Berrod is a persistent and hardworking individual, willing to do what it takes to achieve a goal. This manifests in his tendency to work long hours at whatever job he finds as well as train incessantly until he is satisfied with his level of progress -- this has not changed from the period of amnesia to the period of his recovery.



Artwork by Liucen/Berrod Armstrong

Berrod was the lone student of an aged, surviving member of the Fists of Rhalgr. His fighting style employs powerful blows delivered skillfully with his fists and feet, fueled by the muscles about his frame. He believes in committing his entire body to the fight, and tends to have an advantage when closer to the ground during a melee.

The Highlander is also adept at the use of aether in order to attain a heightened state. Through this augmentation he is able to land faster and more devastating blows -- usually laced with a lightning aspect. A great deal of his strength lies in his actual physical power and endurance, which generally allow his hits to land hard and let him take more punishment. His techniques are clever and flexible, often making a fight with him a challenging puzzle of blows.

The Chakras

The Chakras during the Amnesia Period

Berrod had mastered the use of three of his chakras, and had been actively training to master the fourth, during his amnesia. Artwork by Liucen/Berrod Armstrong

In a bid to understand why he was able to generate occasional surges of lightning from his fists, Berrod discovered that six out of his seven chakras were already opened. He correctly deduced that he had trained quite hard to open them before he lost his memory. Unfortunately, having the chakras open did not give him instant control over the destructive abilities they grant.

Berrod began working on them again from scratch, undertaking intense training and meditation to touch and harness his open chakras one by one. The first he gained control over was his Root, allowing him to aspect the aether flowing through him to earth and gain quite an increase in his endurance, toughness and tolerance for pain. After some more training, Berrod found that he could get dirt to actually cling to him and form a protective layer of sorts. Satisfied with the results, the Highlander moved on to work on his second chakra.

After quite some time and several trials Berrod managed to grasp use of his second chakra, the Sacral Chakra. He saw an instant upsurge in his everyday stamina and energy levels, though not without cost. Given the nature of the chakra, he had gained a significant increase in his appetite for physical pleasures such as food, drink, men and women. Curbing his enthusiasm was a challenge, but one he had decided to rise to. Control of his Sacral Chakra had granted him the ability to heal himself to the extent of seeing injuries knit together and vanish before his eyes. The use of the chakra required him to store aether within it to be expended as healing energy. Once it had been expended, the aether needed to be stockpiled once more. Typically, it took Berrod two to three days for his Sacral to be ready after being spent.

The Highlander finally managed to master his third chakra as well, the Solar Plexus Chakra. The Chakra governed his will and sense of self, further fueling his drive to become stronger. It instilled an odd sense of discipline within him, regarding his training. Through the Solar Plexus, he gained full control over the lightning which he had only been able to occasionally generate before.

One moon after returning from a long journey, Berrod experienced a happy accident during training that allowed him to grasp his fourth Chakra, the Heart. The experience was quite unlike the discovery of the previous three. Unlike the others that he had to learn to unleash, the Heart provided a steady and powerful flow of aether that he had to learn to suppress. As empowering as it was, the volume of aether and his lack of control over it resulted in quite a bit of injury to himself. His first exercises involved constantly and consciously keeping the aether at bay, but recent progress in his training has allowed him to do so without dedicated thought. The aether contained within the heart alternates between fire aspected and unaspected, depending on how passionate Berrod is about the battle when it is released.

Berrod had not yet mastered the Heart; he had ceased his aggressive approach toward it in favor of a slower, safer and more refined method. Much to his displeasure, he admitted that it may take him a matter of years to attain mastery over it. It remained the main subject of his training, and a desperate, double edged gambit in heated battle.

The Chakras during the Recovery Period

Berrod's recovery has led to him remembering exactly how to access and effectively utilize all six of his open chakras, though he does so with discretion, reverence and discipline. Given that he had re-mastered the first three during his period of amnesia, not much more improved in terms of his skill with them.

Berrod's recovery has led to him remembering exactly how to access and effectively utilize all six of his open chakras. Artwork by Liucen/Berrod Armstrong

His struggle with the Heart evaporated with the recovered knowledge of how to hold the flow at bay and control exactly how much of it he allows into his blows. Regardless of his skill with it however, he still utilizes it only in times of need, given its nature to exhaust after granting strength.

Berrod also remembered his grasp on the fifth Chakra, the Throat, which aspected the aether flowing through him to wind. With it came augmented speed, flexibility, and the very odd ability to amplify his voice for the purpose of chanting inspirational mantras. While nowhere near as effective as the magic of a Bard's song, his mantras contain the ability to grant a slight augmentation to the vigor of those who hear it. He has demonstrated the power of the Throat only once after his recovery, and has not seen reason to use it since.

The sixth chakra, the Mind's Eye, is something that the Highlander has chosen to keep shrouded in mystery. During his single demonstration of it, a bright glow emanated from between his eyes, drawing a chilling comparison to the third eye of the pure blooded Garleans. What purpose it served was left unexplained.

Berrod will speak at length of the legend of the seventh chakra and usually debunked it as a myth, a story of power that only the most special can achieve. He has pushed to his limits and found nothing beyond the sixth -- or so he says. However, mentions of the existence of the seventh chakra by a monk situated in Revenant's Toll has forced him to revise his views on the matter.

Regardless of the plethora of abilities granted by his open chakras, Berrod exercises a heavy measure of restraint in terms of their use. He has stated that while numerous and powerful, the abilities are not without their limits, given that they depend on the aetheric capacity of the user. He has stressed that opening chakras are good for increasing the capacity, but the power granted is not infinite. With overuse, a monk's spirit will eventually run dry. In that light, he approaches each challenge with only as much force as it takes to get through it -- opening higher tiers of power as needed.

Usually, it just means punching and kicking a lot.



  • Quiet and diligent meditation.
  • Hard training and sparring; he's always up for a fight whether it's friendly or not.
  • Spending time with his lover -- doing anything, from sparring to the most mundane of tasks such as laundry.


  • People who seem to think that they're better than others without proving so first.
  • Weak individuals who would cower helplessly before putting up a fight.
  • Sweets.


  • Training and sparring.
  • Teaching.
  • Doing maintenance work for buildings and property.



Berrod has no surviving family at present.


Caleb Agron was a guest at the lounge who Berrod had set his sights on making a one night conquest. The plan went awry as the two Highlanders ended up growing quite close -- close enough to eventually become lovers. Despite the many tests that their relationship has endured and regardless of their often conflicting personalities, the pair recently said their vows of Eternal Bonding to seal their union for life.

Caden Agron , the twin brother of Caleb Agron. The beginning of Berrod's acquaintance with the Highlander was turbulent due to a bit of early deception on Caden's part. The twin posed as his brother to seduce Berrod, which almost shattered the twins' relationship. It took several moons for Berrod to trust Caden again, but since the man's recent move to Thanalan, the two of them have resolved their issues and grown close.

Zindelo Tarantella is the eldest of three 'siblings' who form a performing troupe. The Dusty Dancer was one of the few who didn't balk to Berrod's intimidation and would not succumb to his attempts to establish dominance. It earned him a strange sort of respect from Berrod, and an even stranger attraction. Ill discretion on Berrod's part led to a one night tryst between the two, which oddly enough secured Berrod's loyalty to Zindelo as a friend. Though Berrod regards Zindelo a bit awkwardly at times, he genuinely enjoys the Highlander's company.

Sarij Rahzersyn , who Berrod affectionately refers to as 'Flowers', is a Sea Wolf who was once a guest at the Spectrum Lounge during Berrod's time there. Berrod befriended Sarij during his stay, and has remained his friend ever since -- even through periods when Sarij had been called out to sea for moons at a time. The two have shared a bed on more than one occasion, but it has not affected the closeness of their friendship. However, Berrod is prone to being a bit abrasive to him at times.


Aaron Frostheart is a young man who Berrod finds brimming with potential yet lacking in focus and reverence. He has gradually developed patience with him, and quietly appreciates the manner in which he gets work done quickly and effectively. He speaks highly of Aaron -- but never to his face.

Avenio Naemig was Berrod's 'boss' of sorts at the Hot Springs in La Noscea. In the early days Berrod tended to be careful around the blond Highlander.It did not stop him from developing a fierce respect for the man as a fighter. After the events that led to Berrod leaving the springs, he saw nothing of Avenio for several moons. It was by chance that he met the other in Ul'dah and took the the opportunity to immediately recruit him to the Astral Agents. The two have developed a friendship since then, the earlier tension between them mostly forgotten.

C'eleni Meztli first drew Berrod's attention while she was desperately searching for one of her colleagues. The seeker hired him despite his gruff interaction. Since then, they have run into each other a few times. Berrod considers her to be a good person, but remains concerned that her upbeat and optimistic nature leaves her open for disaster.

Chiyo Hoshi is a Miqo'te who had observed a spar between Berrod and Osric Melkire in Fesca's watch. Since then she had sought him out and finally managed to catch him during another spar with Aaron Frostheart . The pair spoke and he provided her with his writings on chakras. Not long after that meeting the two had a spar where Berrod under-estimated her and suffered a narrow loss. It earned her both his interest as a fighter and his respect.

Crooket Tarot was hired on by Berrod as the Company's accountant and occasionally outsourced treasure-seeking dungeon delver. Berrod trusts the man near implicitly with the finances of the business, though he can't say the same for some of Tarot's sales pitches. It isn't to say that he dislikes the man, he's just had enough of merchants during his days in Pearl Lane. Policies introduced by the smirking Hyur are always at least seriously considered for implementation.

Dev'to Mikah was an acquaintance through recruitment, introduced to him by Tefh Jinjahl . Berrod identified with the Keeper's seemingly carefree nature at first; he enjoyed training and simply loitering about with him. Later on, Berrod began to notice something significantly unstable about the young Keeper and opted to keep a subtle distance between them. Nevertheless, they still remain friends.

Gerik Aston is an acquaintance mostly through Caleb, but Berrod finds the man's carefree nature intriguing. His first impression of the man wasn't at all favorable; Gerik had loudly hailed him out when he had been trying to meditate for the first time. It shattered his concentration and set his progress back by hours. Later on, Berrod became rather envious of the amount of time Gerik had been spending with Caleb, only to find out that the two had only been engaging in juvenile and playful shenanigans. Exposure to Gerik's happy-go-lucky nature has incubated a bit of protective instinct toward the Highlander.

Grave Shadow - An enigmatic Hellsguard with whom Berrod has had a roller-coaster friendship, toeing on both ends of dislike and affection. The pair tend to enjoy casual conversation at the Quicksand, and work with one another in a professional capacity when a situation calls for it.

Horace Rook has only made a few appearances in Berrod's life, but each of them has been extremely significant. The mysterious Midlander has an odd habit of showing up when Berrod is stuck in his development, and is indirectly responsible for Berrod's discovery of his chakras. For a time Berrod believed that Rook was the one who trained him before he lost his memory, but the Midlander revealed that to be untrue. Regardless, Berrod treats the man with a respect he reserves for few others.

I'sen Tia was introduced to Berrod via I'sen's partner, F'ivahl. Berrod did not have much interaction with him until I'sen took up healing at the Grindstone Tournament. Seeing the Seeker show up every week to tend to the competitors very quickly earned Berrod's respect. Eventually I'sen joined the same company as Berrod, allowing them to work together more closely. Through that, I'sen became Berrod's student in the ways of Pugilism. Whether I'sen suspects it or not, Berrod intends to introduce him to monkhood.

Ioakim Tarantella is the second of the Tarantella siblings, the adopted brother of Zindelo Tarantella. Berrod met the man during the Grindstone Tournament and developed an initial dislike of him, based on his insistant nature regarding healing. Following a gentle suggestion from Caleb Agron, Berrod gave Ioakim a chance and moved from outright dislike to casual regard. Only after his affair with Zindelo did Berrod pay Ioakim proper respect; the two had quite a heated discussion over the subject that led to a fight -- a fight that Berrod lost. From then on, Berrod regarded Ioakim as a friend to be protected...even from himself.

Jael'li Erisha'an and Berrod seemed to be fated for rivalry since the day they met in Ul'Dah. Much to Berrod's surprise, it wasn't the first time he had met the energetic and headstrong Keeper. Jael'li apparently worked for Berrod before his memory loss, something that the Highlander has worked very hard to dismiss -- much to Jael'li's displeasure. He prefers to focus on the present, which involves becoming stronger by the day and hoping to stay one step ahead of the rapidly developing Keeper in his training.

Jancis Milburga first entered Berrod's field of vision as an object for naught but leering (as was the norm for many at that time), but over time he grew to appreciate her quiet devotion to her acquaintances -- even the manners he so flagrantly mocked at first. His respect for her was cast in stone during their time working together at the Grindstone. He seeks to one day attend one of her celebrations of the Twelve -- should his busy schedule accommodate it.

Kayllen Stormbringer was a bounty hunter with whom Berrod had a few non-hostile chance encounters. Berrod could not explain the underlying dread and unease he felt around the Midlander, but through interaction with him, eventually discovered that Kayllen was one of the key players in the events that led to his memory loss. He did not begrudge the man, for the life before didn't really exist for him. Instead, they established a mutual respect for each other and moved forward as friends.

Lottie Forsaidh was an acquaintance through the Grindstone Tournament; Berrod began taking notice of her as she healed alongside I'sen Tia. He has a somewhat child-like respect for her decorum, and does his best to be 'proper' when addressing her -- though he finds no shame in allowing her to see his naturally crude ways. He isn't as invested in her well being as he is with other friends, but will still aid her should she express the need for it.

Osric Melkire showed up before the Grindstone Tournament one evening and asked Berrod his counsel based on some of the Highlander's writings. Since then, Berrod has engaged the energetic Midlander in a spar and has come away quite impressed. He intends to observe the man's development, and use it as a model for others aspiring to become adept in the art of the fist.

Tefh Jinjahl is an aquaintance gained off of a chance meeting. The Keeper's strange ways intrigued Berrod to the point of quiet amusement. For a time he maintained a wariness around her, given her ability to seemingly appear out of nowhere. Over time, however, he grew somewhat fond of her and did his best to give her what advice he could to aid her survival in the unforgiving environment of Ul'Dah.

Teld're Eska'aldren - Though Berrod often blandly refers to the Miqo'te as an 'acquaintance in passing', he tends to enjoy the sparse-worded yet profound conversations that spark between them. He has described the fellow as 'one of the few respectable patrons' in the Quicksand, though would not be so quick to grant him that opinion directly.

Val Nunh met Berrod on bad terms, but through fighting the two gained a mutual respect for one another that has since then become friendship.

Warren Castille and Berrod seemed to simply cross paths quite often before an intense match at the Grindstone cemented Berrod's respect for the Highlander. His respect for him has only grown since then, though whenever asked about their 'friendship' he simply answers that they have an 'understanding'. Berrod now oversees the Grindstone tournament under Warren's leadership. Having recently seen the man in more or less proper combat (not the dusty wrestling that they had engaged in), he now holds a fierce but unexpressed desire to test his own might against him.

Zachary Evans - A young midlander who Berrod has taken on as a student. Berrod saw an incredible amount of potential in the fellow and decided to teach him in the Fists' ways. Despite having every appearance of wishing to kill him during almost every lesson, Berrod firmly believes that Zachary can achieve much more than most -- something he conveniently neglects to mention to him.


Quur Vizani is an enemy of Berrod's own making. Having struck the man for no more than his own impatient whims, the way Berrod Carried himself earned him Quur's distaste. When he was called out on his less than appropriate behavior, the two men had a bit of a fallout, and have not actively spoken to each other since.


Common Rumors

  • "Used to oversee the Grindstone. Ran it for a short stint, when it was between hands. Probably doesn't count."
  • "I heard that he spends almost all his time training."
  • "Teaches a class of Pugilists on Darksday mornings, early. Tough, but they learn."

Moderate Rumors

  • "He's bonded, I heard. Saw the ring too!"
  • "They say he wrote some scrolls on some powerful old techniques -- I don't believe that though, he doesn't even look like he can read."
  • "He don't drink no more. Prolly cause o'his religion."

Rare Rumors

  • "He's a dead ringer for that old bandit who ran a racket out in Thanalan a few years back -- but that guy's dead, and this guy's a moron."
  • "I heard he's got a bounty on his head. What for? I don't even know."
  • "Don't trust him, he's a murderer."

PC Rumors

  • "Eh? Yeah, he's an asshole--but I wouldn't fuck with 'em 'less y'want y'damned head smashed in. Damn good drinkin' partner, though." - Val Nunh
  • "Infuriatingly cocky bastard...knows how to push every button. Berry knows how to get shit done though..." - Corin Winterborne
  • "Some can never turn their sordid lives around; others can. Berrod knows what a second chance is and even if he is... 'rough' around the edges, he is a good man. Always keep that in mind when dealing with him." - Kayllen Stormbringer
  • "There's no mystery to him! What you see is what you get--and Zindelo finds that to be very refreshing, really." - Zindelo Tarantella
  • "Not someone you want to fuck with if you value your ability to walk." - Oscare Iono
  • "Armstrong... he's something else. Hell of a fighter and a sweetheart to boot. I thought I had a chance with him once but alas it wasn't to be. He's a lot more than a gorgeous pile of muscle." - Obsidian Hornet
  • "His kick broke my ribs, despite my breastplate. Without it they'd probably have been picking up pieces of me all over Central Thanalan" - Natalie Mcbeef
  • "I think he and I have an understanding between us. At any rate, I trust his judgment." - Warren Castille
  • "He's big, thick-headed, stubborn as hell and impulsive to boot; that is, the BEST kind of customer!"- Crooked Tarot
  • "Oh I've seen this guy around! <Lets out a cute, squealing 'OH!'> I just want to meet him!"- Aya Foxheart
  • "Well he's a pretty nice guy considering he didn't kill me after I fired a cannon through his roof especially since everyone said he was going to."-S'imba Tia
  • "I kinda find 'im 'ard to distinguish from all the other bulgin' young sons of Ala Mhigo 'round Ul'dah. He fucked up my leg in a bout, 'nd was a damn good lad 'bout it. I would. I mean fight 'im 'gain, that is" - Kale Aideron
  • "We fought once, he held back. . I could tell. Don't fight him if you value your life. He punches like a Golem. "- Aaron Frostheart
  • "You know, he's just as amazing as they say!" - Aya Foxheart
  • "Master Armstrong? He's teaching me how to be a proper Pugilist-and by teaching, I mean beating me within an ilm of my life and attempting to kill me. But, I've faced worse under Master Behemoth. Not much of a talker, I'll be honest with you on that. Also he's...well...always wearing a...tight...harness, y'see? I may wear this, but only because it's traditional for the Bloodsands. Honestly, it makes me wonder if he's an exhibitionist. Huh? Alright, back on topis! He hits like a Garlean cannon, and the brute force he shows in a fight is intimidating. Although...he tells me about these things called 'Chakras', and has even taught me to use one. It...I'm no coward, but that power, paired with my Inner Beast I've learned to use from Master frightens me..." - Zachary Evans
  • "Good for conversation. He has much on his mind. I'd offer a spar, but he has responsibilities I would not want to keep him from. Lend him an ear." - Teld're Eska'aldren
  • "Highlander, right? I bet he looks bloody magnificent wi'out his shirt on. But one has heard rumors on how muscles develop on the body leave...other areas lacking. I wonder...." - Steel Wolf
  • "There's a lot more to the man than he wants ya ta know, just takes some work to get it outta him." - Caleb Agron
  • "Thaliak has blessed Sir Armstrong, he teaches and he leads well. All of his ilk; sees the worth of people well I think. Some are graced with him showing them their true inner strength. Or graced with seeing his." - Jancis Milburga
  • Rare Rumor"Was honored to be there with Berry and Lord Caleb. That was a wonderful day, Menphina was so close, and I never saw the man blush before. He hugged Sir Evans and the care and raw emotion right before me was engulfing. Every time he assists me with healing the wounded, I feel that same care. That man's heart must be twice as big as any common man's." - Jancis Milburga
  • "A loyal friend that does what he needs to keep those he cares about or wants to do well in life to keep doing so. Be that give them a good smack or give them harsh advice. He'll never steer you wrong, think on the words he tells you and you'll find clarity." - B'ren Lyrgh
  • "Thought I could bring down mountains, or at least scale 'em. I thought wrong. There's a valley there, though, inbetween. Green, comfortin', invitin'. Helped. I'll be tryin' for the summit again, 'n' I owe that to Armstrong." - Osric Melkire
  • "S'one'f th'strongest guys I know. I owe a lot t'the man. 'e was teachin' me things before I even knew 'e could be teachin' me things. F'there's anyone in this world y'can ever count on, it'd be ol' Berrod." - Val Nunh
  • "Armstrong's a handsome bastard. He's far too young to remember the homeland, of course, but its spirit is alive and well in his lust for battle. I'd often see him scrapping in the Lane, and it was amusing tae see the nervous looks of the nearby Blades. I expect he did naught to better their perception of us." - Brynhilde Wulf
  • "Berrod Armstrong? Hmm... I'm not sure what to make of him, he can fluctuate between wise and gruff quite quickly, but for some reason... I just know he's a good person at heart, so that's all that really matters." - C'eleni Meztli
  • "He looks like he is ready to punch anything at any time! That's why I always stay at least five arms length away when I see him, I don't need to find out how far he can lunge!" - T'caska Khevo
  • "I advised Bryn to burn that pamama hammock he called a bathing suit at the Mr. Eorzea contest for sanitary purposes. Nice guy, though." - Daghbheri Himalspyr
  • "Ser Armstrong is a man of near legend to some Highlanders in the Fists. I had the honour of finally meeting him, he's far more silly on the inside than I thought. And after Mr.Eorzea I think I saw more than I bargained for. ." - Soaring Eagle
  • "Well, he was obviously in pain, so I wanted to help him, but he was shirtless too, so it was very odd for me. Does no one wear shirts around here?" - Eorla Brynn
  • "Saw dis man sparrin' wit' dis other lad. From teh look o' it, he means serious business. Kinda 'mind meh o' meh sista. Migh' learn a thing or too from 'im though" - Chiyo Hoshi
  • "He's the one that gave me the Rhalgr scrolls... Good reading material, certainly worth trying to put into practice, though I don't think I've the capability. Probably my favorite of the Twelve so far but I'm just not cut out for this meditation stuff... Oh, I guess I wish he'd cover up a bit more." - Jana Ridah
  • "He attended a meeting at The Cross Mansion.. I could not stop staring at his abs. It was hard to keep focused.. I'm not usually one for Hyur's.. but.. I would rub those abs for days." - War Bear
  • "Old Order. Same direction." - Flameson Hammersmith


At the tender age of three, Berrod was taken away from Ala Mhigo by his mother, who sought to flee from the invasion of the Garlean Empire. In an effort to buy them more time to escape, his father remained behind to fight and was presumably killed in action.

Berrod's early life was spent in the rough environments of over-crowded refugee camps, which moulded him into a tough and sometimes violent child. When he was eight he bore witness to his mother being violently assaulted and subsequently killed by a pair of men from another camp. He was dragged off with them and made to serve a leader of a small gang within the camp.

The boy spent the next five years in captivity and servitude, treated rather roughly by all his captors save one, an old Monk who had once served with the Fist of Rhalgr. The man taught him how to defend himself without a weapon, and how to strike down those who did him wrong. While the old man had no intention for Berrod to actually use the knowledge, the then thirteen year old boy used it to hatch a plot of vengeance against his captor and the men who murdered his mother.

At the end of the fifth year he struck, murdering the leader of the gang while he laid with one of his women. The young boy offered the woman and the old Monk a chance to escape. The Monk declined and together Berrod and the woman left for the boy's former camp. With five years gone, the inhabitants had long forgotten him and considered him an invader from the other settlement. It took some doing, but he and is charge managed to convince the bristling group to let them in. Berrod bargained with the leader of the camp to help teach the young men and women how to fight, based on what he had learned from the Monk.

Order collapsed in the other, more violent camp and while they reeled in conflict for leadership, Berrod trained with the young men and women, taking three years to groom them into a veritable fighting force. By the time the other camp recovered and decided to try an invasion to expand their territory, Berrod's camp was ready. They defeated the invaders and offered the fighters amnesty on the grounds that they would fight for Berrod's camp. The influence this course of events granted the sixteen year old Hyur over the people quickly led to him becoming the leader of the now combined camps. At that time, he was reunited with the old monk and continued his training.

The consolidated camp enjoyed a year of relative prosperity before the massive Garlean invasion and the Calamity struck. Their numbers were decimated and their resources all but obliterated. Left with only the strongest and toughest among the group, the hardened young man resolved to do whatever it took to survive. That resolve led to the formation of a deadly group of bandits who took up territory in Thanalan and had no mercy on any who would oppose or impose upon them. The group distanced themselves from their Ala Mhigan heritage and began recruiting from outside their race.

Berrod as Redhammer.jpg

The need for survival turned to greed, and after three years Berrod had become a ruthless Bandit ringleader, going under the name Redhammer. It was only a matter of time before their operations drew the notice of the authorities. With the help of a few mercenaries, the Immortal Flames swept through Berrod's base of operations, overwhelming his forces. Those who were not killed or allowed to run were captured. Berrod himself was taken down in a rather rough battle, left for dead with a grisly head injury.

When he awoke he found himself in a pile of corpses taken out to be burned, and managed to crawl away and into the desert. He made it only two malms before collapsing of fatigue and blood-loss once more. The twenty year old man was found and picked up by a merchant travelling to Ul'Dah, who nursed him back to health over a period of six months. Berrod, however, had no memory of several things he had done during his lifetime, including his leadership, his crimes -- and his training. The man was very nearly a blank slate. He recalled his proper name, had vague recollections of his mother, and understood in his heart that he had a very rough time growing up.

In an effort to make the best of things, the powerful-looking Highlander decided to leave the forgotten past behind and focus only on the future. He thanked the merchant for helping him and worked with him for six months before parting ways. Adopting the ways of a common street thug, Berrod resolved to live life to the fullest and began another regime of rigorous training within his tour of Ul'Dahn life.

Three years passed, and his story went on.

Berrod's journey forward led him into the employ of the proprietor a hot spring resort and adventuring company in Upper La Noscea. Berrod worked as a groundsman and bar-backer at the resort and provided support for the company when needed. During his time at the resort he met several interesting individuals, including Caleb Agron who has since become his lover.

A series of unprecidented events saw the end of the Spectrum Guard and a transfer of ownership of the Spectral Lounge. Berrod and Caleb eventually travelled to the Silver Bazaar in Western Thanalan to rent accommodation on the arid seaside premises. No longer able to serve as a bar-backer or groundsman, Berrod began working temporary jobs about Thanalan and Ul'Dah.

Though his stay in the Bazaar was intended to be a point of Transition, he enjoyed the desert life, the atmosphere of nearby Ul'Dah and took part in the weekly Grindstone Tournament with gusto.

Berrod was later approached by a Sea Wolf who went by the Hellsguard name of 'Bursting Mountain'. Mountain offered him a job as a recruiter for an adventuring company which he took without hesitation. The Highlander brought a great deal of his friends into the company's employ and felt personally responsible when things went a bit sour. It turned out that Mountain and his hires were to be used as test subjects for the company's rather shady experiments. Berrod remained loyal to Mountain and helped him break away from the larger company to form his own. The Highlander took up the simple job of Groundsman at the headquarters of the new company, known as the Astral Agency.

After some time spent working at the Agency's headquarters, Berrod realized that he had stagnated somewhat, and decided to pull himself up and start developing once more. No longer did he participate in the Grindstone Tournament, for the contest did not allow him to train to his full potential. Along with Caleb Agron , Berrod set off on a journey focused on training and growth through worldly experience.

After three moons of travelling and adventure, Berrod returned to Ul'Dah to the news that Bursting Mountain had been abducted by perpetrators unknown. After working with a team from the Astral Agency to locate the Director, he was disappointed to find out that the entire ordeal was naught but an assessment. Berrod grew disenchanted with the organization -- and not a moment too soon. Mountain decided that he would relinquish the assets to a selection of the Agency and move on to other ventures.

Ownership of the Goblet property was split amongst a few of the Agents, and Berrod was given the responsibility of managing it. Before he left, Mountain transformed the office into a tavern and fighting ring, so that his former employees would still have a source of income.

Eventually Berrod decided to get back into the adventuring and mercenary business, reopening the doors of the Astral Agency while closing the ones to the fighting ring. After a while he became overwhelmed by the burdens of leadership, unable to cope with most of what his job demanded. To that effect, Kayllen Stormbringer hatched a plan to restore the man's memories and make him more capable for the task.

The plan succeeded, and Berrod remembered near everything from the years before his time in Ul'Dah. Most of the memories came along with a certain note of trauma, but he stubbornly persevered. With new insight, new outlook and a new demeanor, he stepped up to lead the Agents into the successful business it remains to date.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea