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::*"She insists I am a hero, but I am no such thing. Threw me by surprise, that one." - [[Franz Renatus]]
::*"She insists I am a hero, but I am no such thing. Threw me by surprise, that one." - [[Franz Renatus]]
<div style="background: #BEBEBE; margin: 0em 2em; padding: 0.25em; width: 25em;">Open for outside participation; feel free to add to.</div>
<div style="background: #BEBEBE; margin: 0em 2em; padding: 0.25em; width: 25em;">Open for outside participation; feel free to add to.</div>
::*"My dear friend Jancis, she is like a sister to me.  Would that I had more time to spend with her..." - [[Coatleque Crofte]]
==<div style="background: #BEBEBE; padding: 0.5em;">''Background''</div>==
==<div style="background: #BEBEBE; padding: 0.5em;">''Background''</div>==

Revision as of 14:10, 14 October 2014

 Jancis Milburga
Ffxiv 05032014 021437.png
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa (Nomad)
Age Between 23-26 (Unknown)
Occupation Conjurer/Healer
Height/Weight 5 fulms, 2 ilms / 115 ponz
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar
Other Given Names
  • Milly
  • Solkeim "Blessed Violet"

Jancis Milburga, a midlander hyur, is an merchant's daughter orphaned in the Twelveswood and forced to come into her own.


Jancis is overall quite plain in her manner of attire and appearance; though she keeps herself kept she does not follow the fashion or trends of higher classes or wear makeup. Her hands are soft and she'll typically wear gloves to protect them.

Jancis has an alto voice range and no vocal training.

Beyond what the character actually wears:

  • Around her neck is a simple chain with a handmade ring with a lapis lazuli gem in it.
  • Typically has a small book-sized satchel containing basic medical supplies, a map, and a waterskin.
  • There is a wand or other natural-wood on her person or in her satchel.


  • A keloid scar with a spider-like style with thin branches on her stomach and on her lower back; gotten from being impaled with a conjured stalagmite from Melfice Vainchelon in disguise.
  • Right shoulder has small jagged scars from the claws and teeth of a possessed imp attack. Received while rescuing L'aenoh Tia from a dark blood mage.
  • Three indented slots on her left side starting at her lower ribs which look like a giant fork stabbed her (which is what happened). Inflicted by Augustine Frost while under the influence of "Pink Primal" Memeli Meli.

General Demeanor

Jancis is awkward socially, ranging from blunt questions to over elaborate sentences as if talking in a storybook. She calls nearly everyone by some kind of title and will avoid saying the name of people she does not care about.

Having a kind heart, Jancis is very patient and forgiving with others. She's happiest when she is feeling useful and is a good follower. Has a soft spot for children and young animals, but in general she's very 'hands on' touching people on their arms or shoulders and taking their hands to make connection.

Fearless and willing to speak up to bring about understanding and clarification on matters she finds to be wrong, particularly if it is hurting someone. Defensive of friends and allies, or those she deems in duress, she will stand up in protection and literally block words or physical attempts of harm.

Combat - Views/Behavior

Mark Crilley Manga Shading.jpg
  • Skills
  • While not very smart in battle, Jancis does not fear it. She will go in and try to support everyone she's an ally with regardless of her own safety.
  • As a conjurer, Jancis is sensitive to the elements and through training has become more sensitive to the aether and magicks around people she's close to, giving her an edge on healing serious conditions at crucial times.
  • She's light of foot and quick to find a place she thinks will not hinder her allies.
  • She is trained in poisons and venoms, taking them herself in small doses to build up an immunity. She will use it as a rudimentary attack by throwing and misting as a distraction.
  • Trained with basics of a shield and staff. Usually does not have both at once and will two-hand whichever she has. Carries a wand and has natural items on her person at all times to form conjuration.
  • Weaknesses
  • Jancis is typically too preoccupied watching her allies she fails to watch out for herself and would be an easy target.
  • Her strength and dexterity in a fight is not too keen and she would easily fall in one-on-one battle.
  • Her ability to "read" aether is a novice level, so things that are unnatural or done by an arcanist she cannot undo by the same means. She can do little more than sense the presence of aether.
  • Being a conjurer, she relies on her voice to call out to the elements to assist her. Anything that would hinder that or interrupt her would leave her to rely on physical abilities alone.


  • Jancis grew up mostly on her own out in the wild of the Shroud. Her habits and words do not follow current culture 100%; she will use odd terms and not understand idioms.
  • Wearing pants her entire childhood, she compensates for typical 'style' by wearing leggings.
  • Apologizes constantly.
  • Tends to be hands-on with people, touching their arm or shoulder, and does not understand the concept of personal space.


  • Children and young animals.
  • Feeling useful.
  • Natural trinkets:flowers, sea shells, rocks, etc.
  • Being called by a nickname.
  • Following others.


  • Mistrust and dishonesty.
  • The unnatural/voidsent.
  • Loud noises.
  • Corrupted people, power grabbing, misconduct.
  • Being called "Child" or childish.


  • Reading/Writing
  • Healing Arts
  • Poisons,Venoms, and basic Herbal uses
  • Basic Cooking
  • Conjuring


Jancis has no known family.

PC Friends

  ( = Romantic Interest, = Old Friend/Deceased, = Platonic Care )

 Alveo Soulseeker:  Something of a good-hearted misfit, Jancis met Alveo while working as a support in the same Free Company and ended up having feelings for the sailor. Once recovered from his life-long ordeal, they confessed their feelings for one another and were to be wed. Upon asking, she refers to memories of him as "very warm". After doing her best to follow his endeavors, she realized his love for adventure is what truly made him happy. Though MIA in the eyes of Maelstrom and dead in others, Jancis believes he is somewhere better and living the life he wants. Any time the man is mentioned nowadays, she looks thoughtful and wistful. Names "Sergeant Camp", "Alveo", "Beloved".
 Bartolomeo Filangieri: A well respected knight, Jancis met Sir Filangieri her first night with the Harbingers. He left quite an impression on her from his approach and kindness, even taking a particular interest in one of her childish toys. After a particularly crucial fight Jancis has dropped her overly-polite demeanor with the knight which can easily be taken the wrong way. She also reacts acutely to his mannerisms, be them good or bad. She will follow his direction without question. Jancis will refer to him as "Sir Filangieri" strictly.
 Coatleque Crofte: A strong-willed knight, Jancis met her through guild masters to tutor and teach in the basics of conjuration. Becoming trusted friends, the two travel together often and share studies. Cici is like family to Jancis and is her first source of comfort and will typically try to follow her around despite the city politics and protocol. Though Jancis fails to understand much of the subtle work Cici does, she still will speak up about the shadow sides of it. Is usually left in the dark on her "sister's" real activities, but trusts the intention and meaning behind the secrets. To others Jancis will refer to her as "Lady Crofte" but personally will call her "CiCi".
 L'aenoh Tia:  Trained and rustic swordsman with few wits about him beyond his heart, Jancis truly met the man after Dhemgeim impaled Captain Renaud, particularly for glaring at Alveo. Continues to do the best for this "hunter" as far as dealing with his wounds and problems from his past. Jancis now cooks a particular skillet bread specifically avoiding baking for his sake. Also is semi-protective of the man and will put up with most anything for his sake. Lost his left eye. Half of his right ear is missing. Mark on his back. Other names "Ganzjaega", "Abarsoemr", referred to as "Sir L'aenoh"
 Obsidian Hornet: An exotic sellsword, Jancis met the Hornet during a beach party briefly then again as part of the Coral Sea. After inquires from her on Jancis' safety and her relationship with Alveo, Jancis trusts and feels protected around the ebony lady. "Lady Hornet" to others, or "Hornet" to her. She has a golden linkpearl in case of trouble.
 Oscare Iono: A garish huntsman, Jancis met Oscare at the Pumpkin Cafe while he was working as a bouncer along side Cici. Jancis was really taken from his care and concern over Cici's exhaustion, offering to walk them back to the city and giving up all his pay for a room at the inn. Jancis continues to blunder in their friendship by dishonoring the man with her attempts to repay him. She continues to watch and visit the man, particularly after a strange display of mannerisms from the man. Has violet eyes and multiple scars around them. Has a rosewood crane he carved. She's taken to calling him "Oscare", less he get upset, but will call him "Sir Oscare" or "Sir Iono" if referring to him.
 Staelufre Lysmerl: The wild lady and namesake of the Coral Sea's home. Jancis met the huntress through L'aenoh as the woman was skittish about being under a roof. Over time Jancis has grown grateful and closer to the Staelufre after the ordeals her lover and the advice they have given one another. Has a wooden fawn that was carved for her. Given a name. "Lady Staelufre"
 Tasa Rhyzul: The hardened warrior with a subtle softer side, Jancis met Tasa while preparing with the company to save their leader. Despite Tasa's brash demeanor, she is a wise woman with a lot of heart and patience for the less experienced and has earned quite a bit of Jancis' respect. She is technically the warrior's indentured servant as she pays back a debt and is bidden to comply with any requests Tasa makes, though the lady does not enforce it. She will always refer to her as "Lady Tasa." Believed dead.
 Z'enath Vashyr: A Free Paladin of Ul'dah and accomplished swordsman, Jancis fails to remember their first encounter in Gridania shortly after the Calamity. Re-united, the man continues to try and repay her for that first meeting. Finding him cheerful and inspiring, the two have become good friends after his continued assistance and support. Has a smile that always catches the her off-guard. Jancis will ask for his help and writes him often. Refers to his eyes as garnets. "Sir Vashyr"

Other Acquaintances

 Dhemgeim Shyrdoenwyn: The First Mate of the Coral Sea. Jancis originally met the woman as a warm and welcoming beach comber who invited Sir Filangieri to a beach party. Jancis holds a lot of respect for the woman who is anchored on the ground but also a fierce fighter and protector. She notices how everyone in the company revers the woman. In her presence Jancis will say "Dhemgeim" but outside of Coral ears she'll call the first mate "Lady Dhemgeim".
 Estellise Levesque: A generous herbalist and kind-hearted conjurer, Jancis met Estellise after watching a dare-drinking contest. The elezen is a compassionate soul that Jancis loves to listen to and hopes to learn more about the landscape with. "Lady Estellise" "Estellise".
 Iron Sea: A stalwart protector and worrisome fighter, Jancis had seen the large man in passing at the Grindstone accompanying Lady Edda. They met more officially at Master Vann's fist fight. Finding him later on in the rain in Limsa, the two became closer to share woes with one another. Jancis continues to remind the man of his worth and to leave his unchosen past behind. "Sir Iron"
 Jezune Garinthe: Orphaned lancer from Gridania, Jancis met the man after his brief association with the Coral Sea company. Jancis shares a lot of ideals and social awkwardness as Jezune and feels like the man is some kind of kin. Saved Jancis from Meli's enchantment. "Jezune"
 Kaylie Epocan: A swordswoman in The Coral Sea company, Jancis met along with others particularly when the miqo'te was furious at Alveo. Noticing her quick remarks and defensive mannerism as well as the tender and soft-spoken attachment Kaylie has to the other members of the company, Jancis has taken a liking to the woman. She's always polite to her and tries to say "Kaylie" to her face (otherwise she's "Lady Kaylie").
 Otto Vann: An eccentric artist from Ul'dah, Jancis met the man while he was dressing one of her company members. By random chance the man continues to come to her for her opinion and now some of her work in dealing with concoctions. More concerned with the man's well-being, Jancis continues to learn and tolerate his extravagant lifestyle to get a glimpse of understanding this man's way of thinking. "Master Vann."
 Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Sailor in Coral Sea with a jovial soul and a knack for cooking, Jancis met him during his grand return from overhearing his story of living through the temptations from Garuda herself. Living together in the Coral house, Jancis has been fed and even cared for after a slavery ruse gone wrong. Great storyteller and writes his own romance books. Jancis will call him "Tausen".
 Val Nunh: Saint of the Martial Branch, Jancis met Val while she was being evaluated to study under the Harbingers. Catching her attention with the nickname "Milly", Jancis has built up a respect for the miqo'te for his realistic and kind-hearted views. To others she will refer to him as "Lord Saint" but in his presence tries very hard to say "Val".
 Xydane Vale: Lone swordsman with knightly intentions, Jancis met the man when he came out of nowhere into the Coral Sea's house holding a letter she had written to Cici. Seeing his condition and overwhelmed by the selfless act, Jancis tries to follow the swordsman's tracks and whereabouts to repay him for his kindness with her own. "Sir Xydane", "Xydane"

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NPC Rumors

  • (Gridania local only) "I use to see her around running errands and cleaning. Real quiet and kept to herself."
  • "A real talent with conjuring. Didn't she only join a few years ago? Doesn't look the type to have a tutor."
  • "I saw her running about with a child's toy. I think it was hers."
  • (La Noscea area) "She comes 'round th' farm 'n checks in with everyone. Got 'er Cherries on. Pleasant."
  • "I see her starin' at 'er hands a lot. Odd girl."
  • (Thanalan/Ul'dah) "She checks around the Flames asking about the knights and who has been by."

PC Rumors

  • "It's almost like Nophica herself blessed that girl with the power of eternal kindness. If I ever met a gal nicer than her, I think I may just faint." - Oscare Iono
  • "My friends kept telling me that I had to meet her, and now that I have I can tell why! She's fun and sweet; I hope she comes around the Quick Sand more often!" - Aya Foxheart
  • "Haven't seen that babyface guy around her lately. Too bad I'm otherwise engaged. The nice ones are always a lot of fun." - Augustine Frost
  • "Jancis? Returned a letter to her once and she has some amazing talent when it comes to cooking! Send the lovely girl my regards." - Xydane Vale
  • "She insists I am a hero, but I am no such thing. Threw me by surprise, that one." - Franz Renatus
Open for outside participation; feel free to add to.
  • "My dear friend Jancis, she is like a sister to me. Would that I had more time to spend with her..." - Coatleque Crofte


Jancis Milburga was born as Lleuedwyn Fishcot, daughter of a middle-class merchant family. The Fishcots were known for their ability to export fish and were a successful travelling merchants. Misfortune came upon them on a trade route in the northern part of the Twelveswood; their caravan was overrun by scouting soldiers looking for monks from Ala Mhigo.

The Rest of the family murdered in the heretic hunt, the toddler Lleuedwyn was left to die in the woods. The soldiers had not been far off, refugees from Ala Mhigo as supporters of the monks escaped before persecution had been near the caravan. Coming to salvage what was left, they found Lleuedwyn and kept her as an asset to survive. Hiding out in the dawn of war, they found a secluded cavern deep in the Shroud protected by the Elements and the Woodswrath because they were caring for a child of the woods.

The highlanders were known as "Guardian" and "Shaman Milburga". Lleuedwyn was referred to strictly as "Child" and taught basics of survival, given books, and even taken into close villages with a mask and large clothing. She was mostly secluded from interacting with others and learned most of what she knew in the world from books or overhearing her two "protectors". As she grew into adolescence Shaman Milburga began to teach the child how to feel and understand the elements; partly to continue their protected place in the woods but also as a means for the girl to take care of herself later on in life.

From one of the many books Jancis picked out her own name and became more restless with the lack of interaction that she had so often read about. Over time she became more aware of her situation, the fate of her parents, and a limited recollection that she was an orphan. She became more adventurous and gathered items from her 'secret outings'. Caught on several outings, Guardian decided their time was up in the seclusion and the war had left more refugees around Gridania.

Giving her some supplies, Jancis was left out on the road with instructions to find the city and appeal to the generosity of the Conjurer's Guild. For about five years she worked for room and board while studying the art of conjuring and is now at the point to explore the world and build her future.

Current Events / Achievements

Jancis is a private in the Maelstrom, working as a medic. Her primary role is to travel around the island and assist the local settled pirates and families with ailments and other basic needs. She will typically be talked into helping out with manual labor chores.

  • Sisterhood: Jancis continues to attempt to follow Lady Crofte around to help her with her city work, especially after the collar ordeal.
  • [[1]]Considering their long times apart, Jancis has taken to writing the knight about meetings and thoughts.
  • Noticing before her mission to Gridania that the knight is spending more time in Limsa, she overhears some work about following up on a man named Nero and hiring Fio Arasgain to assist in the matter.
  • Jancis is very confused after Fio's behavior to another miqo'te she does not know the name of, particular when she tried to move in and support Fio against the creepy man.
  • Otto Vann has asked about Natalie Mcbeef, which Jancis told her what little she knew of the encounter in Limsa, but failed to get the lady knight's attention to tell her of his inquiry.
  • After offering, Jancis looks for Cici to find out more about the problem. Both talk about it, learning that Master Vann has turned down an offer from Lady McBeef to get involved.
  • While following a lead about some certain confiscated cargo, Jancis makes a very violent run-in with McBeef and her associates only one recognized is Cici (Jana Ridah, Askier Mergrey, Delial Grimsong, Brynhilde Wulf) looking to gain information on a man named Nero Lazarov. Jancis received many lacerations from bomb explosions and being attacked by the two arcanists directly. Jancis is going to confront Cici about this assault and find out who, in fact, attacked her.
  • His name is Z'enath:While travelling back to Gridania, Jancis was confronted by a swordsman with red eyes. His eagerness to speak to her and find out who she was after a simple "hello" blossomed into reuniting with one of the first people Jancis assisted after her isolation in the Shroud. Z'enath Vashyr nearly lost his eye in preventing a drunken scuffle between two other Wood Wailers that she was able to heal and restore in time. Continuing their correspondence, the two piece together their memories and trade shows of gratitude to one another.
  • After meeting, Jancis offers to assist Z'enath in a job he took on from a group of ruffian bandits that were laying waste to small hovels. Though she acts as little more than bait to the bandits, she catches a glimpse of the paladin's abilities and control over conjuration aether. The two rest in Quarrymill overnight as Wood Wailers handle the mess the bandits left behind. Returning to Gridania, Jancis proves she still knows how to climb a tree by... climbing a tree.
  • Called away once word that L'aenoh Tia was found abruptly, Jancis reunites with Z'enath after their hasty departure and both agree to meet up in the Mist of Limsa. The paladin honors her with a hand painted map of Eorzea.
  • Two train together randomly for both physical and mental prowess.
  • Jancis was moved as the knight appeared at the doorstep of her inn room in Coerthas as she went on a sojourn to recover a rare cave fungus. Insisting he help her on the mission, the two survive some wild beasts and, while recovering, term one another as friend and true ally.
  • Under the Coral Sea: With most of the inner turmoil in the company settled, Jancis still strives to show goodwill and assist the others in their endeavors (outside of the brawling most of them seem fond of).
  • Reinette's offer at the pilgrimage to Nald'thal to pray together.
  • After following along with another one of Memeli Meli pranks, many members are sent on a while goose chase for a riddling pantry thief. While "rewarding" Jancis, Meli's kiss leaves an enchantment that makes the conjurer obsess with the lalafel and her wishes.
  • From the serious insistent urging of Jezune Garinthe, Jancis shakes off the spell and is left confused as to what happened.
  • Later on, many others get entranced by Meli's trick and the company is forced to physically fight them to break the enchantment. Memeli gets grounded for her dangerous tricks.
  • Tausen's cooking. Jancis has taken up baking lately. This now seems like a pitiful venture, after L'aenoh's comment about never eating baked foods again. Jancis now makes everything in a skillet or stovetop/campfire.
  • L'aenoh's confusion over his own personal matters and feelings.
  • Jancis is currently following any leads she can find regarding the struggle and kidnapping of his man which has led her to Gridania. Following her Guildmaster's urgings that the elements speak of a disturbance in the Central Shroud along with fellow company members Tausenadel Geispyrsyn, Q'nagali Yehn, Guillaume Rigolant, and Hnaba Jinjahl. As Hnaba leaves to search other leads, the other four find Hnaba at the place of the disturbance alone; a house covered in blood with an obvious place of capture with other such horrors of gore. Confronting the miqo'te, Hnaba slips down a secret passage in the floor which the other give chase on.
  • The group finally catch up to Hnaba in a defiled spire, surrounded by imp-like creatures that cry out thankfully in men's voices when slain. The fight proves difficult, knocking out Q'nagali and Guillaume from severe injuries, but eventually the remaining Coral manage to subdue the insane woman.
  • After much probing and being forced to a point to batter Hnaba with her shield, L'aenoh is found still clinging to life in a cell. Jancis' is particularly troubled by another corpse that is found in the search that was dressed up in L'aenoh's clothes but was burnt to death. The only way she could tell it was not the miqo'te was his eyepatch was on the wrong side.
  • Recovering and returning to the Padjal E-Sumi-Yan, Hnaba is handed over to the Wood Wailers and the rest of the company's wounds are treated by the conjurers. The same evening, L'aenoh is found by Staefrue wandering south back towards La Noscea. Paniced, Jancis give chase on foot to the wounded man. Unable to deny his tortured request the three travel to their house, the Still Shore, aggravating Jancis' wounds. Having to backtrack to Gridania and other locations, Jancis continues to delay her own healing and recovery.
  • Making a grave error in trying to heal L'aenoh further, Jancis resolves to find what Hnaba poisoned the man with and try it herself so she can duplicate the effects and find a potential treatment for it instead of the trial and error on someone else.
  • Getting help from Chuchukepa Hohokepa, Jancis finds out the main ingredient is somnus. Going to Ul'dah, she looks for a means to treat the withdrawal. L'aenoh also asks her personally to find something to deal with his shakes, be it from forcing the information from Hnaba or other means. Finding the notes of an late alchemist, Jancis goes to reproduce the detoxification serum in hopes it will help the hunter's pains.
  • Cici ends up helping Jancis with the main need of somnus through a mysterious "shadow knight" C'kayah Tia. Jancis is honored for the reason the man decided to help, as if he did not assist in the course of love, he would dishonor his guardian deity. The other ingredients are procured and the serum is ready for one final trial.
  • Os-Care-of-a-friend: After seeing Oscare freeze up and have a panic attack in the Quicksand, Jancis continues to try to check in on the highlander to understand what has caused this confident man to act so.
  • After the Grindstone contest where Oscare lost control and tried to kill Hornet, Jancis was charged with caring for the man the night after. Able to visit him at the Agents' bar briefly, Jancis noticed the scarring around his eyes and the color of his eyes a startling violet. Her trust in the man dwindles as he continues to fail controlling himself.
  • Oscare's comments over losing his memory with the Warrior Stone and his current mannerisms are recalling memories of another's actions and behavior, only to conflict Jancis all the more.
  • Ran off crying "I'm sorry." Repeatedly. Jancis has written the Iono family, hoping they have some kind of recourse to comforting the hunter.
  • Attempting to get others to assist in the troubles of the highlander, Jancis contacts Oscare's family for advice, the returning message is from Oscare himself in a very warm and confident letter asking to meet up with her. Now recovering from a company ordeal, she seeks out the hunter.
  • Meeting with him again, Jancis receives a beautiful rosewood crane figurine Oscare carved himself.
  • You Otto Know: Jancis continues to run into the artist "by chance" and ends up having strange and endearing conversations with. The man's lifestyle is confusing for the conjurer, but she does what she can to help this, overall, good-natured highlander.
  • Jancis is a part-time advisor for the man, trying as she might to make it more as a friendly favor than a paid service.
  • Not finding gil to be overly valuable herself, Jancis continues to turn down the abundance of wealth Otto offers her.
  • In lieu of monetary payment, Otto has gifted her a workspace consisting of a table, chairs, and some tools. He handmade a wardrobe from walnut and other Glade-natural wood and stocked it with a dress and other garments (she uses it for more storage like a pantry as well), and a quilted bed-like fur rug. Many plants as well.
  • In connection with the Sultansworn, Otto asks for Jancis' knowledge and connections with Coatleque Crofte.
  • In a very kind gesture, Jancis has accepted his help in searching for her fiance, Alveo Soulseeker, who hasn't been heard from in three months. Working with Otto's right-hand, Ridley Silverlake returns with news that Alveo's group was slain and the man is missing in action. She also provides other records of Alveo's activities, proving he has been moving and working beyond need to be away.
  • Though uninterested in the outskirts of Coerthas, Jancis comes to support Otto's fighting ring in comforting fighters and assisting with wounds.
  • Supplies Otto from time to time with a 'medicine' that consists of herbal concentrations of tea to assist the man in sleeping and keeping awake. The orbs are covered in chocolate and are almost more of a placebo as far as how potent the effects are.
  • Al-well that ends well: After many trips North to find her beloved and assist him in his ordeals and endeavors, Jancis continued to find only traces left behind by the man. Contacting his other friends and mentors, whom had not heard of his ventures nor received word back from him, as well as sending multiple letters she was assisted in the end by another friend who confirmed Alveo was actively receiving her correspondence and was going on his own missions of his own accord. Though heartbroken, she learned to live with his decision and discontinued her trips North or holding out for contact; knowing his indecision before about a life of settling down and his refusal to put her into danger clearly trumped any importance she held on his heart previously.

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